India missed chance to ask Pak to vacate PoK: Bhim

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 2:  Chief patron of Jammu and Kashmir  National Panthers Party  Prof  Bhim Singh has  regretted that India failed once again to tell the international community about the illegal aggression that Pakistan committed against India and illegally continuing occupation of 32000 sq miles of India’s territory since 1947 in spite of UN resolution (August 13, 1948).
Addressing a press conference here today,  Prof Singh said that Modi Government also failed to discharge its national duty to tell the world how China continued to occupy 20000 sq miles of our territory in Ladakh since 1962 as illegal occupant.
He said India also failed to reply to the four point peace initiative with Pakistan proposed by Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharief  at the United Nation in his speech made at the General Assembly of UN  day  before yesterday.  Prof Singh said that it was a unique occasion for India to file its effective response to the four point formula of Nawaz Sharief.
Prof Bhim Singh, an expert on J&K affairs,  suggested that Government of India should  ask Pakistan to withdraw its Army from all occupied areas of PoK including Gilgit-Baltistan, Chitral as was directed by the UN resolution; to withdraw all civilian settlers of Pakistan from all occupied territories including the so-called Azad Kashmir; must  urge UN to declare Pakistan’s ordinance dated 2009 making Gilgit-Baltistan as 6th Province of Pakistan in violation of UN resolution and hand over the entire law and order machinery to the Indian Army for maintaining law and order as was directed by the UN resolution.
The NPP leader also suggested to the Government of India to seek UN intervention for the return of entire Karakuram Highway (5000 sq miles) to PaK occupied areas back from China which was illegally leased out to China by Pakistan in 1963 in utter violation of UN charter.
Prof Singh said that it was  VK Krishna Menon in 1957 who had raised these issues asking Pakistan to implement them so that the next peace initiative could be taken up with Pakistan.  He accused Modi Government of its utter failure to represent India’s case in the United Nation.

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