India moves up to 28th rank in Govt e-payment adoption: Survey

MUMBAI: India’s overall ranking on the Government’s adoption of e-payments has moved up to 28th in 2018, from 36th in 2011, but it needs to do more on digital infrastructure access and socio-economic factors, a survey said Wednesday.

The country is taking “rapid strides” in advancing Government e-payments capabilities and is is one of the top- performing countries in terms of citizen-to-Government (C2G), business-to-Government (B2G) and Government-to-business (G2B) transactions, the survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit commissioned by payments company Visa said.

The country holds the top ranking on B2G and G2B, and comes third on C2G jointly with Argentina.

Norway leads the pack in the 73-country ranking, followed by France and Denmark.

The 73-country survey, which was last conducted in 2011, looks at availability of Government electronic transaction services and the underlying environment of mechanisms that support digitisation for all transactions in a market, such as policy and infrastructure.

“(India) could further improve its standing by focusing on expanding access to digital infrastructure, investing in socio-economic development, and promoting a healthy, competitive market,” the survey said.

India is at the 58th place for digital infrastructure and lags significantly in the development of digital infrastructure and socio-economic conditions, according to the survey. (AGENCIES)