India needs decisive PM like Modi: Kavinder

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 25: Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is a “decisive” leader under whose leadership the country has sustained high average growth without stoking inflation.
This was stated by former Deputy CM, Kavinder Gupta in a statement issued here, today. He said Modi has a strong national & international policy and he has guts to take on Opposition’s “unworkable” alliance with a “maverick” leadership.
He said, India is the fastest-growing “major” economy in the world and very soon it would be in top three economies of the world. “Who should be India’s Prime Minister, if India wants to achieve this? Should he/she be constrained by his/her rival aspirants who have reluctantly supported him/her out of mere dislike for a common opponent or does India need a Prime Minister with a clear mandate as in 2014.
He said Modi has proved himself as the man of masses which has become evident as his approach is to up-lift every section of the society. Only such a Prime Minister can deliver growth and satisfy the nation’s aspirations,” he said while referring to the opposition parties `Mahagathbandhan’ to defeat Modi in the 2019 general elections.
In Jammu and Kashmir, a `Mahamilawat’ of NC, PDP and Congress has been made to play with the sentiments of Jammu and Ladakh regions just to send senior Abdullah to Parliament. The recent pro Pakistan and pro separatist’s statements have been given by almost all the leaders of `Thagbandhan’ and people have made up their mind to teach them a lesson.
Gupta said the opposition is issueless in these elections as our elected MPs from Jammu and Ladakh have done a justice to the mandate received from the public. “We have managed to get multiple mega projects in the field of education, power, infrastructure, healthcare and tourism for all the three regions of the State. Many people have been benefitted by the Centrally sponsored schemes and love Modi for the same. He said as a partner in Government in Jammu and Kashmir “we had been successful in developing our respective constituencies and people are happy with the performances of all the former MLA’s”.
He said people have proven this by electing majority of representatives in the Urban local bodies and Panchayat across the State.