India needs responsible politicians and press

Harsha Kakar
Comments by Rahul Gandhi stating that people are dying in Kashmir, made after he was stopped and returned from Srinagar, were gobbled by Pakistan, which quoted him in a letter addressed to the UN. Once cornered by the opposition and realizing he had been quoted by Pakistan, Rahul Gandhi tweeted stating that Kashmir is an internal matter of India. The party also issued a statement condemning Pak. Countering the same once it has been exploited, is like attempting to pull back a bullet after it has been fired, which is nigh impossible. While this may have been a face-saving measure, damage had been done.
This is not the first time that politicians have made bizarre political statements at wrong times on wrong issues. Similar or near similar comments as Rahul Gandhi have been made by other politicians, many of whom remain politically irrelevant. In most cases their hatred for the Government in power makes them make irrational statements, which are subsequently internationally exploited.Their comments are not for the benefit of the masses, but to counter government decisions and actions.
Earlier, post the cross-border attack in response to the Uri terrorist strike, opposition parties questioned the army and demanded proof. This, despite the nation celebrating India’s first retaliation to Pak’s misadventures. Pak, which was struggling to cover the damage and hide losses of terrorist lives jumped on statements by our politicians and convinced its population that Indian claims were fake.
It was only after the Government began questioning the opposition’s rationale of doubting the words of the army on the strike, did some politicians back down. Opposition parties learnt their lesson and hence maintained silence post the Balakote strike.
Politics and national interests are two aspects which must be understood by our political leaders. Both need handling with maturity. Decision-making on national matters is the prerogative of the Government in power. On some aspects, the opposition could be taken into confidence, on others they may not. Discussions and debates in parliament is where they convey their disagreements. Once a law is passed, then their future statements need to be carefully crafted.
Politicians must realize that their comments, especially on social media are monitored the world over. Many international journalists and government entities, unaware of ground realities, accept statements of opposition politicians as more factual.Politicians therefore should ensure that their statements keep national interests first and political differences second.
To counter government views, solely because they are in the opposition, and pass comments which damage national interests is a sign of either immaturity or lack of strategic vision and thought. Political leaders lacking maturity, strategic thought and vision are unsuitable for national politics.
There is a difference in opposing internal matters impacting the country and those which can be exploited by neighbours who are desperate to gain a few brownie points. Kashmir has always been a flashpoint with Pakistan, more so after the government abrogated Article 370. Pak has been desperate to prove that the Indian decision to abrogate Article 370 is illegal and would lead to bloodshed and violence within the valley. They have attempted every means to highlight the same internationally but thwarted by realities.
For them adverse comments by Indian politicians supporting their view implies that the nation is not together on this decision. Further negative comments made by individuals like Rahul Gandhi, Gulab Nabi Azad and other CPI leaders are manna from heaven and quoted as authority. Indian politicians are not so dumb that they do not update themselves on news and monitor developments in the neighbourhood.
Hence, in this case they would have been aware of how their actions and announcements could have been exploited. Further, in a region like Kashmir where rumours are the source of violence, their words would only provoke youth to violence leading to bloodshed. If this was their intention, then they are not Indian nationals and unsuitable to head Indian political organizations. To pass comments without verification of facts and solely to embarrass the Government is unacceptable.
Once these were officially countered by those responsible for law and order, then maturity demands that corrective comments be passed, to prevent their misuse. If there is a need to object to any government decision, there are more sensible methods of doing so. Protests or opposing the decision in court are options.
Loose comments have also been made by other politicians cutting crossing party lines, who instead of explaining the benefits of the decision to the nation, have passed insulting comments on marriage with Kashmiri women. They are equally irresponsible.
Politicians of the ruling party have celebrated the abrogation as a victory. Realistically it is not a victory over a region or a community. It is a step taken to rectify a wrong, hence does not warrant celebration. The senior leadership of the BJP must come down hard on these politicians for projecting a wrong picture.
The Government has adopted a policy of generally ignoring Pakistan and its actions, thereby giving it minimum importance. This is a means of informing the international environment that India has greater concerns than seeking to counter the childish actions of Pakistan.
Indian media houses, mainly electronic media, spend large parts of their primetime debates only raising Pak and its actions. In most debates they drag in Pak nationals, who have no choice but to defend their country’s actions.While this may be aimed at enhancing TRPs, it only adds to highlighting actions by Pak, giving them undue importance.
Ignoring them would cause Pak greater heartburn. Pak is desperate to counter Indian decision and hence on their networks they can spend days discussing the subject. Calling Pak nationals on TV, only to question their government, makes no sense as they are neither government officials nor hold any status. It only results in shouting matches.
On the other hand, electronic media is a major source of conveying to the masses of erstwhile J and K, benefits of the government’s decision, thereby assisting in preventing spread of rumours. This step appears to be missing as it may not enhance TRPs and add to shouting matches.
India needs mature political leaders, who are aware of when and what they speak, especially on matters which impact national interest. Simultaneously, electronic media houses need to ignore Pak and concentrate on conveying the benefits of the Government’s decisions.
(The author is Major General (Retd)