India open defecation free

Refer news item ‘India open defecation free, country’s stature on rise’ DE Oct 3, 2019.
Making the country ‘ open defecation free’ is indeed a great achievement. one must express gratitude to all those NGOs, social organisations and volunteers who worked day and night in this direction. ‘Open defecation’ is really a big social stigma, and a great health hazard. The Central Government too deserves kudos for launching ‘Swachh Bharat Mission for keeping country free of open defecation. Constructing toilets on a large scale in rural areas and creating awarenss among ruralites is no mean achievement. It required a strong will, and financial benevolence on the part of the Central Government.
However, it may be said here that one sector that needs Government attention is the migrant labourers who are not so much privileged as to have toilet complex at their working place. These labourers still have to defecate in the open. This issue also needs attention of the Government. Only then we can claim that the country is open -defecation free.
Sunil Sharma