India-Pak student exchange program gets innovation award

NEW DELHI, May 22:   For some years now, school students from India and Pakistan have been connecting with each other through handwritten letters besides a few audio and visual recordings that are reflective of a shared history of the two neighbours before Partition.
The ‘Student Exchange Program’, a year-long dialogue comprising a sustained exchange of written, visual and oral histories connecting school children aged  between 10-14 years across the cities of India and Pakistan was initiated by city-based NGO ‘Routes 2 Roots’.
The NGO has recently been awarded the “The Inter-cultural Innovation Award 2016′ from United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) in Baku, Azerbaijan for this programme.
In its first year in 2010 the program attracted between 2400 children from 10 schools across four cities of India and Pakistan.
Students hailing from diverse socio-economic backgrounds from selected schools participate in the five-phased program that is aimed at improving ties between the two countries and the exchange of letters, postcards, pictures, artwork and videos encourage children to form their own opinions and have a clearer understanding of history, culture and lifestyle through cross cultural communications.
“The endeavour enables students to familiarise with each other with the history, culture and lifestyle of their neighbouring country,” says Rakesh Gupta, founder, Routes2Roots.
The first phase ‘Letters Writing’ engage  students in writing letters, where they share their thoughts, values, hobbies and interests.
In the next ‘Postcard Series,’ students click pictures of their favourite monument, family, pet etc and write about the picture and subsequently the postcards are then sent to schools across the border and shared among the children.
In the third phase, students are given four themes namely school life, food, festivals and marriages and historical monuments  under the “Collage Series”.
Students can make decorative collages on any of the given themes which are shared with schools across the borders thus creating a bond between the two countries.
The 4th phase is the ‘Oral History’ series which adds an audio-based dimension to the project. Students interviewed their grandparents, collecting historical narratives about various cities across Pakistan and India as well as their recollections of the early years.
“This helps the children get a good understanding of the shared histories and how the two religions coexisted peacefully and still hold nostalgic memories,” says Gupta.
In the final phase the “Physical Exchange”, selected students get to visit their pen friends across the border.
They not only get to meet their friends but also visit the historical monuments, places of interest and experience each other’s food and culture.
“This is a life changing experience not only for the children but also for their teachers and principals who accompany them and go back with changed mindsets. Sharing some thoughts of the children who were part of this program,” says Tina Vachani, co-founder of the NGO.
“We aim to bring people from disparate regions and cultures on a common platform of peace by identify talent and promote cultural exchange programs by giving a platform to a mix of upcoming and renowned artists from around the globe,” Gupta said.
Considering the widespread success of the program it was was expanded to 3500 children from 17 schools across 6 cities.
In 2013 the program spread to over 5000 children from 37 schools and 8 cities of India and Pakistan and the movement still continues with more  children participating each year in the program.
The NGO is now working on its future project ‘VIRSA’ which is collaborating with over 100 schools across the country to promote various forms of Indian culture like classical dance and music as a part of curriculum activity through digital classes.
“We want to introduce the concept of peace and brotherhood at an early stage among the younger citizens by  engaging children from schools to interface with their counterparts in different countries to showcase their viewpoints in the conflict ridden countries or regions,” says Gupta.
The Intercultural Innovation Award, a partnership between UNAOC and the BMW Group, supports grassroots initiatives that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding, thereby contributing to peace, cultural diversity and more inclusive societies. Close to 1000 applications were received from more than 120 countries, from which ten awardees were selected across five continents. (PTI)