India progressing under PM Modi

Prof.(Dr.)Santosh Gupta
The prime minister of India Narendra Modi is working on all aspects for development of human beings, especially on social and economic reforms. Opposition parties while attacking BJP are using abusive language against PM of India.
Morale of Indians
People were demoralized when former PM Manmohan Singh was at the helm of affairs. PM Modi talks about “SUB KA SATH-SUB KA VIKAS”. He never touches the issue of caste, colour, creed, culture, religion or region
Upliftment of weaker section
By birth, there are only two sections of human being “MAN and WOMAN”. Women are at disadvantage position because of so many atrocities on them. PM’s intention is to develop and empower women. He has given the slogan “BETI BACHO-BETI PADHAO”. He has given numerous schemes to develop and empower women.
Removal of Poverty
All schemes of PM are for poorest of poor people. May be Ujwala Yozna, Housing schemes, Opening Bank accounts, toilet schemes etc. Even President of USA has said “HOW IS MY FRIEND PM MODI, WHO IS TRYING TO BRING INDIANS OUT OF POVERTY”
Awareness among people
In PM’s monthly talk on “MAN KI BAAT”, he touches day to day aspects concerning everyone. In his general behavior and speeches, he makes people feel that he is one amongst them. He is always available and looking forward to listen and interact with the people. He is also making people aware about the status and position of our soldiers and farmers.
The slogan “CLEAN INDIA” has opened the minds and hearts of people to think and act in this direction. Drastic changes are visible, though it may take some time to reach at par with rest of nations
International yoga divas
To improve health and positive thinking among people of the world, 21st June is being celebrated as “YOGA DIVAS”. Yoga has become and is becoming more popular in world. This the gift to the whole world from India
International Relations
International relations are improving. India has made name and fame in the world market
Make in India
This drastic step is to make India a manufacturing hub of the world market
Roads are being constructed at neck- break speed. Villages and remote areas are being connected by road. Electricity work is in progress. Many villages and remote areas are being electrified. In near future, hopefully every house will be electrified. Even solar energy work is in process. Air travels, rail travels and public transport system are being improved.
Corruption level
Corruption is great concern for all politicians, who used to make huge amount in one go. Various measures are being adopted to control over this. Demontisation, urea coating with neem, tax system, gas connection and delivery etc. In many organizations many loopholes are being rectified by effective administrative measures. Need based use of private and expensive cars has also been taken into consideration.
Question here arises of LIKES / DISLIKES of opposition parties. Keeping the national interest on priority in mind, what are t he innovative steps the critics suggest to improve the existing system, to abolish poverty and to develop nation? Perhaps they have nothing to offer at this point.
(The author is former professor Jammu University)