India slams “hold” on declaring Masood Azhar global terrorist

NEW DELHI: India today reacted sharply to the extension of the “technical hold” on banning JeM chief Masood Azhar by the UN, saying the global body will be sending a “dangerous message” if it fails to act upon India’s demand for his designation as a global terrorist.

Without naming China, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said only one country had put the technical hold, blocking the ban by another three months, and criticised the complete “non-transparent and anonymous” manner of designating individuals by the UN Sanctions Committee.

Noting that the UN Sanctions Committee has already proscribed Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed, he said the panel, however, ignored the need to take action against the organisation’s main leader, financier and motivator who continues his terrorist actions unhindered.

Responding to the extension of the hold, he said,”The Committee has already pondered (over) our submission for the last six months. It will get a further three months to ponder, but that will in no way change the strange situation we have of the Committee designating the terror organisation but failing to or ignoring the need to designate the organisation’s most active and dangerous terrorist. (AGENCIES)