India strikes back

True to its word to punish Pakistan for February 14 gruesome and treacherous terror attack in Pulwama, India showed to the entire world and not only to Pakistan, that ‘enough was now enough’ and India was battle ready having been reeling under Pakistan’s undeclared war fought on our soil for over three decades and that terror would be fought to its finish and accordingly, struck terror camps deep in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir in the dead of night. At least 300 to 350 casualties are reported to have been suffered by Pakistan in air strikes carried by 12 Mirage fighter jets that pounded terror camps in PoK and more particularly Balakote where the sleeping terrorists were sitting ducks for the Indian bombing.
In addition to putting out an official statement about the aerial strikes a few hours after the bombing of terror camps, India duly briefed foreign envoys including the Chinese , the latter confirming “Terror pads hit”. Pakistan, as usual resorted to the same old game of taking recourse to lies and distortions by claiming, “Indian jets scrambled back , no camps targeted, no casualties suffered”. Strangely, in the other breath it admitted about “India having crossed the LoC and indulged in aggression….” However, gloomy and rattled Pakistani PM and his top army and civil officers in a meeting convened during the day after Indian strikes appeared dazed , confused and stunned as if spoilt school boys caned to remain disciplined by a strict Principal. Imran Khan, before the said meeting was booed and hooted in National Assembly.
It may be noted that Balakote terror camp run in the garb of a Madarrasa named as Syed Ahmed Shaheen was an important training centre for the Jaish-e- Mohammed and other terror organisations and had many structures to accommodate terrorist trainees and other facilities including brain washing and indoctrinating them. Pointed reports were that hundreds of Fidayeen and their trainers were shifted by already rattled Pakistan from PoK to a resort in hilltop forest in Balakot immediately after Prime Minister Modi had warned of a suitable response in the wake of Pulwama ghastly and treacherous massacre.
Indian suitable response came exactly 12 days after that attack and was carried out by 12 Mirage jet aircraft . Maulana Amar and Talha Saif associate and brother respectively of top terrorist Masood Azhar were targeted by the Indian fighter jets. Entire terror setup in the suicide bombing training centre in Balakote stands demolished including 350 terrorists and their trainers. Bombs of exactly 1000 kgs were dropped one after the other on Pakistani terror camps. Balakote residents confirmed about having heard deafening loud sounds “from inside deep forests”. The most important thing about the air strikes yesterday was the element of surprise which gave Pakistan no chance even to think about what had befallen them for which our brave ‘boys in the blue’ deserve all praises.
Not only that the smouldering feelings of the entire nation wanted Pakistan to be taught a lesson this time but there were reports of more Fidayeen attacks and to pre-empt that situation, the terror backbone has been fractured if not completely crushed in air strikes. It is to be underlined and Pakistani lies deflated of their intent that using air force did not mean any escalation in the absolute sense because terror camps were far inside the Pakistani territory where weapons , explosives and ammunition were distributed among the trained and highly indoctrinated recruit terrorists to cross over to our side to create violence and disturbances.
It is pertinent to note that Pakistan managed to get a reprieve for 26/11, a ‘clemency’ for Pathankot, a slap on face for Uri but appropriate cost and consequences in respect of Pulwama attack have been aptly heaped on it and if it did not still recognize the modern ‘Mazboot’ India, it would get severe jolts in future from a committed country about which Prime Minister pointed out in Churu Rajasthan.