India witnessing evolution of true democracy: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing the ‘Nation First’ seminar at New Delhi.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing the ‘Nation First’ seminar at New Delhi.

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, May 6: Alleging that democracy in India was marred by dynasticism and family rule for half a century after independence, Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh today said that India today is witnessing evolution of true democracy and Narendra Modi is symbolic of this phenomenon.
Addressing the “Nation First” congregation of volunteers working for India’s nationhood, Dr Jitendra Singh observed that the story of Narendra Modi’s journey from a railway platform to the office of the Prime Minister of India, is in itself, a reiteration of the strength of democracy in its true spirit. The basic essence of democracy, he said, is that any child born in any household, big or small, should have the confidence and courage to aspire to achieve the highest office in the country depending on his or her calibre, potential and diligence.
Dynasticism, said Dr Jitendra Singh, is incompatible with the evolution of true democracy and this anomaly stands redeemed with the arrival of Narendra Modi on the scene and the credit for this goes to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which has the capacity to offer opportunities based on merit and hard work.
Dr Jitendra Singh noted that India today comprises more than 70 percent population which is below the age of 35 to 40 years and this precisely is the real picture of New India. He said, when Prime Minister Modi refers to New India, it is inclusive of the aspirations of contemporary generation. All the revolutionary pro-poor and public welfare schemes initiated by the Modi Government in last five years, Dr Jitendra Singh said, are meant to reach out to the last man, without any consideration of religion, cast or creed. Initiatives like free cooking gas connection for the needy, rural electrification for all the villages of India, Pukka house for every family etc are some of the programmes which have transformed India in a revolutionary manner, like never before, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decisive war against terrorism and corruption have made every countryman feel proud of being an Indian, which is quite in contrast to the feeling of pessimism and hopelessness which prevailed before 2014.