India won’t tolerate Uri like attack, Pak shall rein-in militants: Rajnath

Sanjeev Pargal

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh addressing a public meeting at Thanna Mandi in Rajouri on Friday. -Excelsior/Bhat
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh addressing a public meeting at Thanna Mandi in Rajouri on Friday. -Excelsior/Bhat

JAMMU, Dec 5: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today declared that India will not tolerate militant attacks like Uri and Shopian, which were carried out in the Kashmir Valley today taking toll of several Army and police personnel and civilians and called upon Pakistan to rein-in militant forces operating from their country.
“We always extended the hand of friendship to Pakistan but in reply we got bullets. We will not tolerate such kind of activities. We have given a befitting reply to the militants,’’ Rajnath said in a brief chat with media persons and addressing three rallies at Koteranka in Darhal constituency, Thanna Mandi in Rajouri segment and Pargwal in Chhamb Assembly seat during the day today before flying back to New Delhi this evening.
“Pakistan says it is not behind the militant acts in India. It says the militant forces were responsible for the attacks. But I want to ask from Pakistan why it was shielding the terrorists, who have taken shelter in the neighbouring country. The militants are putting up in houses of the people and other places in Pakistan. Why Pakistan is shielding the terrorists?’’ he asked as his three rallies come at a day when militants carried out series of terror attacks in the Kashmir Valley just three days ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much awaited and first election rally in Srinagar on December 8 and four days ahead of third phase of polling for 16 Assembly segments of Kashmir on December 9.
First two phases of Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir had witnessed huge turnout of 71.2 and 72.1 per cent respectively causing frustrations among the militants.
Rajnath said that militants were resorting to violence to create fear psychosis among the people as they were frustrated due to overwhelming public support to BJP and high voter turnout in ongoing Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
“Militants were frustrated due to overwhelming public support to BJP in ongoing elections and high voter turnout of 71-72 percent which they had never thought off”, the Home Minister said.
He further said that due to this reason, they (militants) want to create fear among the people by resorting to these incidents (of terror attacks).
Terming today’s terror attacks in Kashmir as most unfortunate, Singh said: “these (incidents) are going on for a long time”.
Further elaborating on the incident during the public rally, Singh said: “you all know that militants crossed from across and fired on our jawans and security personnel at a camp today. They killed some jawans but our forces were successful in giving them a befitting reply’’.
Hitting out at Pakistan for double standards, he said “militants are entering this country from Pakistan and resorting to death and destructions here”.
The Union Home Minister, who had earlier addressed two elections rallies at Paddar in Kishtwar constituency and Bhaderwah in Doda district followed by telephonic address to people at Karnah and Uri from Srinagar International Airport due to bad weather, maintained that Pakistan soil is being used to aid and abet terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.
“Is it not true that these terrorists get shelter on Pakistan soil but the neighbouring country always keep denying the fact”, he said.
Asserting that India has never crossed Indo-Pak border or violated ceasefire agreement, Rajnath said that Pakistan has always crossed the borderline and violated ceasefire.
Taking a dig at Pakistan, the BJP leader referred to the handshake by Prime Minister of India and Pakistan at Nepal and said: “I want to tell Prime Minister of Pakistan that Pakistan should not restrict itself to the shaking of hands but should develop a heart to heart relationship with its neighbour.
“This is our desire. We want good relationship with our neighbours”, Singh said and referred to the statement of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee that friends can be changed but not neighbours.
He said that the innocent people of the State were the real victim of all the terrorist attacks carried out by Pakistan and its backed militants.
“Even today many innocent people have lost their lives in these terrorist attacks,” he said.
Rajnath also lashed out at Islamabad for giving refuge to terrorists and said that Pakistan should stop terrorist activities directed against India. He said that India is willing to help to stop terrorists coming from Pakistan into this side to resort to acts of terror in case Pakistan is unable to stop terrorists.
Singh said that Pakistan should take an initiative to stop all this, if they can’t stop, then they should talk to India about it. India is willing to help them.
Questioning neighbouring country, Singh asked: “why is it that people who indulge in terror activities hide in Pakistan? Shouldn’t Pakistan answer this?”
Taking a dig at those, who were blaming the BJP and trying to spread fear among the population in Jammu and Kashmir, Singh said “fear is being spread among the people of the State that if BJP comes to power in the State they will kill people do this thing or that thing. They are dividing the people and the country”.
These political parties want to get mandate from people by creating a fear factor unlike BJP, he said adding that BJP does not want support and mandate on fear factor but want to win over the people by love, compassions and development.
“BJP does not believe in politics of divide on the basis of religious and religion. We be believe in every bodies support and every bodies development and strong India. We believe that Hindus and Muslims should work shoulder to shoulder for strengthening and security of the country”, he said.
Taking a dig at State Government with regard to flood compensation, Rajnath said that J&K has failed to ensure relief compensation to the flood-hit people in Jammu and Kashmir and added that once the BJP comes to power in the state, it will ensure things are done.
Seeking votes for BJP for forming a majority Government in the State, he said that Congress, National Conference and PDP had being ruling the State since independence and BJP has not got an opportunity to govern the State.
Hitting out at these rulers, he said that they have not done justice to the people of the state on all the fronts.
Pleading the case of Special Police Officers (SPOs) in J&K used for security duty at a meager amount of Rs 3000 per month, the Union Home Minister said that the Central Government is looking beyond the proposal of their enhancement of wages of Rs 5000 per month.