Swami Ramswarup Ji
Culture gives us education how to spend life time. Vedas feed us with the eternal knowledge of science [Gyan kand], form of deeds i.e. moral duties to be discharged [Karma kand] and how to worship [Upasana kand] (Manusmriti Shloka 1/23 refers). Until we study Vedas from a learned Acharya, it is not possible to hold the said three educations which are full of unlimited knowledge. That is why, Sri Ram also studied vedas under the guidance of Mahrishi Vasishth. So, our ancient kings and ministers followed Vedas, knew the knowledge how to nurse and protect the public but you see nowadays there is a dearth of ministers and politicians in the world, who know the above three types of educations.
The reason behind oversighting the vedic education is this that after Mahabharat war, i.e., about five thousand three hundred years ago, for one or the other reason when the public stopped making contact with learned Acharya of Vedas to listen and to hold the vedic knowledge in daily life, the whole earth became ignorant.
You see when a farmer sows the seeds then plants are grown in the fields. If the farmer does not take care of plants by pulling out the weeds/grass etc., then it is observed that the weeds-grass grows up more than the height of real crops and thus the crops are hidden. Similarly, when the eternal knowledge of four vedas, right from the beginning of the earth till Mahabharat war, was in vogue and was held in the daily life of king, political leaders and every citizen then the whole public used to be very well nursed and protected by the king and his ministers, being the order of the Vedas.
In Vedas, God orders that the King and his ministers must be aware of the knowledge of Vedas and they must be impartial to whole of public. King should be religious minded, he should protect and nurse the public well. He should also protect all the animals. (Yajurved mantra 9/32 refers)
“But, in the absence of vedic knowledge”, the king and the public have forgotten to discharge their moral duties according to Vedas and to destroy the views of human-beings against the Vedas, which gave birth to several new paths of worship etc., against the Vedas by the arrogants for the last about two thousand to two thousand five hundred years.
In the said line, we can not forget the newly raised sant-mat whose main and most of the views do not tally with Vedas. Thus a huge crowd of religions has hidden the eternal vedic knowledge as the weeds/grass did with real crops, quoted above. If we study the said crowd of newly raised religions, we find that they have neither advised the political leaders to protect and nurse the public properly nor have advised the public to exercise control over their senses, to maintain peace and promote international brotherhood etc. as compared to the impartial vedic knowledge of Vedas. For example- sun, moon, air, food, water and unlimited matters of creation are equally applicable not only to all human-beings but to other living-beings as well, whereas the thoughts of the above quoted man-made religions are not impartial, that is not equally applicable to all the living-beings. Though above sects and saints etc. claim that God is one but when the question of concerned personal sects arises, all religions raise their swords to cause blood shed everywhere. So, where does the claim of God being one and we all being His children and each other’s brother and sisters, vanish away.
And most important fact is this that mostly the views of newly raised sects and sant-mat donot tally with Vedas, whereas Vedas are the main evidence to decide the true views. (Yog Shastra Sutra 1/7 refers)
In addition, we can also not forget Kapil Muni’s Sankhya Shastra Sutra 5/51 wherein he states that Vedas contain their own natural divine power of knowing the divine meaning of ved mantras. That is why, the Vedas are self-evidence. That is, to achieve the truth, the evidence of ved mantras is required but for any ved mantra no other supportive evidence is required. Study of Vedas reveals that God Himself has given order to obey the preaching of Vedas. So, we should save ourselves from committing the sin of oversighting the eternal vedic culture, which emanates directly from God. However with respect and honour, the present sects may also be followed by the respective people along with the Vedas. This process will enable all the human-beings to understand the impartiality, secrets of the Vedas and the eternal fact that vedas are the knowledge, which emanates directly from formless, Almighty, Omnipresent God who creates and nurses the universe. People would be able to know that vedic knowledge is meant for the benefit of entire mankind equally.
The said fact can also be experienced from Vanparv of Mahabharat epic wherein, Yaksha asked Yudhishthir, “ Keh Panthaha” what is the path i.e. what is the path to be adopted by the human-beings?
Yudhishthir answered- There is only one vedic path which is followed by the learned dignitaries. So, we must follow the learned of Vedas and not others. If we go in depth of the answer given by Yudhishthir, we would find that answer was given keeping in view the situation of that time i.e. about five thousand three hundred years ago. And it was the time when the present sects and sant mat had not originated. Therefore, the king and the public used to follow only Vedic path, vedic path being in vogue at that time.
Here, we must consider deeply that Yudhishthir is telling to follow vedic path only. And if at present any so-called saint etc. imposes himself as famous dignitary before the public (equivalent to the dignitary of the time of Yudhishthir) and asks people to follow whatever he says then his preach would be full of selfishness and totally away from the traditional truth and even insult of Mahahrishi Vyas, the writer of Mahabharat epic.
Here every citizen of India should pay attention to Atharvaved mantra 4/30/3 wherein it is stated that when a Rishi after studying Vedas, performing daily yajyen, name jaap and hard practice of Ashtang Yog, controls his senses, becomes impartial and attains several divine qualities and realizes God then God Himself awards him the title of Rishi, Brahmin etc. So, the title Rishi, Muni, Brahmin having divine intellect etc., are awarded by God, as quoted above. Whereas at present, in the absence of vedic knowledge, so called Gurus, saints etc. declare themselves, Rishi-Munis, Brahmarishis, saints etc. without following vedic path and attaining above quoted divine qualities and hence the problem that people are cheated. (Yajurved mantra 40/7 also refers).