Indian eves end Spain tour with 2-1 win over Germany

VALENCIA (Spain) :  In a hard fought match played against Germany, Indian eves emerged victorious 2-1 in their   last match of the Spain tour played here late last night.    The matches were in preparation for the FIH World League Round 2, to be held in New Delhi from March 7 to 15.    Both the teams started cautiously as neither team wanted to give the initial edge to the other. The teams made desperate attempts to strike the goal post but all went in vain and the entire first half of the game proved to be a dry run for both  the sides.
It was Deepika, who opened the score card for India and surged ahead in the 40th minute by scoring a field goal taking the score to 1-0.
Germany did not sit back, and pressed hard in search of an equaliser but the Indians displayed some spectacular stick work  as they dominated the game and kept the ball in their possession for long. It was through the stick of Amandeep Singh, who successfully converted the penalty corner in the 55th minute to double the lead for India.    Germany did not disappoint themselves and played with a single intention to score and open their score card. Marie Mavers, finally broke the shackles and slapped the ball towards the nets and pumped in a lone goal through a field effort in the 59th minute taking the score to 2-1. Failed to break into India’s  defence anymore, the Germans settled for a 1-2 loss.