Indian millennials spend 2.2 hrs a day on phone: Report

phoneNEW DELHI: Average millennial (aged 16-30 years) in India is spending about 2.2 hours a day (or about 34 days of a year) on their mobile devices, says a report by global research consultancy firm TNS.

This is, however, lower than the global average of 3.2 hours a day or 49 days over the course of a year that millennials spend on devices with Internet access, the report said.

The report, titled ‘Connected Life’, covered over 60,000 Internet users worldwide to help brands understand Internet usage patterns among various category of consumers.

Compared to millennials in the country, Gen X (31-45 year olds) spent an average 1.8 hours on their mobile phones while the “baby boomers” (46-65 years) spent 1.5 hours on their devices.

“About 85 per cent of the weekly Internet millennial population in India now owns a smartphone… Millennials prioritise social media over other forms of media, with 43 per cent using social media daily, or watching online videos (42 per cent),” TNS said.

This age group is also the most likely to adopt new buying methods such as mobile payments (11 per cent of millennials in India do this weekly), it added. (AGENCIES)