Indian prejudice

Mehak Gupta Grover
India being intolerant- A statement occupying the minds of millions of people past so many days. I really don’t know why and from where such a question popped up? Entire nation cannot be labelled as intolerant just because ‘allegations’ have sprung up from certain fringe groups of people.
Indian civilisation has survived for 5000 years because of its TOLERANCE. A large number of languages, 2000 dialects and 7 religions coexist in India. We have a constitution that accommodates all these differences. The basis of the national integration of this country is tolerance. Our bondage is strong because of fortitude- to accept other’s religion and other’s opinions. Where exactly is the intolerance? We are the most vibrant democracy. So many people migrated to India because of one reason or the other and India welcomed them all with open arms, never thought about what consequences it may need to incur. We accepted their thoughts and it resulted in improving our economy and making it more rich. This is tolerance with growth!
Teachings of Ramakrishna Paramhansa states-
“ Jato Mat Tato Path”. It means as there are number of beliefs , there are a number of ways. We just need to find the right way rather than playing the blame game.
India is a place, where people love to stay in joint families with their parents and siblings. When there are two siblings in a single home, it’s quiet natural that there exists a bit of contradiction  and unity side by side. In the same manner, when different faiths are co-existing in a single geographical arena, there do exist some conflicts at times. These contradictions are not new but have existed through out our ancient, medieval and modern civilisations. But, the real problem arises when such differences are designed into everlasting conflicts by useless interference by all the classes, whether required or not.
So many actors have been raising their voices against the growing issue. But only speaking against the issue without giving solutions is equally a hellish act. If one thing wrong happens in one’s family, we never criticise our family rather find solutions regarding the same. Our country is our family which gives us respect, honor, fame. We have no right to criticise. By returning the national awards, we are not only showing resentment but are disrespecting our family, our country! Unfortunately, celebs are misusing their stature to tarnish the nation. Democracy is about standing by the leadership that people elect and taking the nation forward.
We are all burdened with prejudice; against the rich or poor, the smart or slow,  gaunt or obese. It is natural to develop prejudices. But it is nobel to rise above them. These preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
Perfectly said by George Aiken-
‘ If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed, colour, we would find some other causes for prejudice by noon’.
This is so true. We love to make issues. But why? Don’t we want to make India a developed nation? What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error. We should know when to pardon each other’s folly. We involve ourselves in judging people so much that we fail to see the good that lies beyond. Whatever we think people to be, that’s what they’ll become for us.
Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaidens of propaganda. Our mission is to confront ignorance with knowledge, bigotry with tolerance and isolation with generosity. No matter what we are, we should never forget that this nation gives us more than what we give back to it. And everything in life is not about a deal, that we can snap it whenever it doesn’t serve our vested interests.
I think there is a piece of tolerance inside us, important thing is to try to find this little piece. Everyday we face lot of problems caused by intolerance, even inside our homes and home is where we need to begin to practice tolerance. Don’t forget that intolerance is an important social problem, do not make it big.
Let us all have one view in the end, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language,nationality or religion.