India’s Bid for UNSC Seat

Apropos a recent write up by Amit Kushari  in DE it was a statement of fact that Pakistan raises hue and cry whenever India bids for a permanent seat in UN Security Council. There is no doubt that the majority of Indians are living in sub-human conditions and getting seat in UNSC, if any, will be a square peg in a round table as compared to other permanent members of Security Council i.e US, UK. France, China and Russia, where the index of standard of living of  their citizens is very high as compared to ours. The gap between the haves and have-nots is wide and is further widening in our country. In other member countries, the gap is not as wide between poor and rich. The rich and poor can afford to have meals together in a hotel or restaurant and can afford to send their children to same school for getting same level of education.
But on one point I would like to differ is that India must pacify Kashmiri at all cost by giving milk and fish to keep them satisfied. Enough of milk and fish has been given to them. That is what the India Govt has been doing for the last more than 65 years and the end result is zero. They are never satisfied and will never be. It is the strategy of Kashmir politics and its politicians. These are only temporary measures and to buy time. All the Govt have been passing time since independence and no permanent solution has been tried sincerely and seriously and no solution seems to be visible rather it  has become more complex. To solve this complex problem India needs to have a clear understanding of the problem. At times I feel that the people who represent India at world forum are not well aware of the Kashmir issue and and its geography and are not able to put India’s stand on Kashmir in a right perspective, while as our opponent is putting their point of view in a  very aggressive and forceful manner, though Pakistan have nothing in common with PoK except religion.
Yours etc…
Ravinder Jalali
Social Activist