On a spree of achieving newer mile stones in international politicking and diplomacy, India has created a feat of the diplomati sorts by not only being duly nvited to the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) but also required to deliver address from that platform,, all for the first time. Indian viewpoint was heard with rapt attention and appreciated, not to speak of finding areas of disagreement whatsoever. While the credit for all this rightly goes to the efforts of the country’s leadership, that the organisers of the important event felt increasingly convinced about the importance of and the exhilarating role played by India in matters concerning international community, cannot be afforded by any organisation of international level to be underplayed or overlooked. At the same time, Pakistan decided to boycott the meet as a mark of protest for inviting India to the crucial meet forgetting that only after Indonesia, India had the largest Muslim population in the world, much more than Pakistan. The double face and intrinsic hatred for India was brazenly exhibited by Pakistan by demanding at high pitch, rescinding of the invitation to India from the organisers of the OIC meet. In other words, that means Pakistan’s recent imploring that it wished to talk with India to broker peace was never ever to be believed beyond its cosmetic narrative, that too to show its “gentle face” to international community and also by faking and twisting happenings to project its shape and intent as being not connected with patronising and promoting terrorism. International isolation and failed diplomacy had rendered Pakistan land in a piquant situation . Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in her address rightly referred to the scourge of terrorism, fighting which should never be construed as a fight against some particular religion. Pakistan, strangely lives in dreams that it had specific monopoly of dishing out opinion of particular nature in the OIC and that it should agree to its “view point” which got deflated by Indian presence in the meet. It got fairly conveyed to Pakistan by the OIC that though being an Islamic country, it had to enjoy importance within limits and going beyond would mean dictating terms especially when it is getting exposed as promoter and facilitator of terrorism. Extremism prepares fertile groun for terrorism and both sustain due to misinterpretation of religion and even going to the extent of its distortion. That every religion preached non-violence, peace, brotherhood and compassion was conveyed by India in the said meeting of 57 Islamic countries. 185 million Muslims in India lived, progressed and prospered like other Indians and enjoyed all rights showed India’s successful plurality and enviable diversity . Those among them in India who felt motivated and got entrapped to the extremist ideology were very few and negligible. It needs to be reiterated and Pakistan must bear this fact in mind, that India has a track record of its centuries old relations with the Islamic countries though it never seriously attempted in the recent past to be one of its active members on bodies and organisations but with the changed political scenario and the fast developments in bilateral relations and countries’ active participation at various international forums and coalitions, countries with divergent political ideologies are drawing closer to one another. India’s participation in such a meet must be considered as a pointer in that direction. Yes, India will continue to take the fight against terrorism to its decisive end and for that it will use every international forum to put its point forcefully investing its matured and considered dexterity in diplomacy as also soliciting
the support of as many countries as possible.