Indo-Pak Army officers, BSF-Rangers hold flag meetings

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 17: India today lodged a strong protest with Pakistan over ceasefire violations—the latest one on January 13 at Krishna Ghati sector in Poonch district during a Brigadier-level flag meeting at Chakan-Da-Bagh along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district today.
Army lodged a strong protest with Pakistan Army authorities over the ceasefire violations along LoC in Poonch at the Brigadier-level flag meeting of the Indian and Pakistan Army today,” official sources said.
Brigadier Sen Gupta, Commanding Officer of 120 Brigade headquartered at Bhimber Gali, represented the Indian side along with four officers. Pakistan delegation also had five officers in the meeting.
The flag meeting between started at 11.30 am and continued till 12.50 pm at Chakan-Da-Bagh cross-LoC point in Poonch district, which is used for trans-LoC bus and trade between two parts of divided State every week.
Sources said the Indian side took strong exception to infiltration attempt by three members Border Action Team (BAT) of Pakistan at Krishna Ghati sector on January 13 with a view to commit an action on the Indian side. However, the troops had thwarted the infiltration attempt.
Following a large number of ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops on the LoC last year, the Director Generals of Military Operations (DGMOs) of the two countries had met at Wagah border near Amritsar after 14 years on December 24 last.
“Pak authorities denied ceasefire violations from their side as usual,” sources said, adding the meeting was held in a cordial and conducive atmosphere.
Indian officials are reported to have told their counterparts not to allow infiltration of militants and BAT attacks, warning that troops guarding the border will give a befitting reply in case of any violation.
There have been 196 ceasefire violations along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir last year, the highest in last one decade.
There were 93 ceasefire violations along the LoC by Pakistan in 2012. The numbers of ceasefire violations by Pakistan in 2011 were 51 and 44 in 2010.
“Both delegations were led by Brigadier level officers and discussed various issues related to the ceasefire agreement as well as the need to improve responsiveness of existing communication channels,” sources said, adding that the meeting was held in cordial atmosphere.
“The Indian Army’s concerns about the infiltration attempt in the Krishna Ghati Sector on 13 January, 2014 were conveyed in strong terms to the Pakistan delegation,” sources added.
“The meeting is another step forward in the Confidence Building Measures agreed to by both sides during the DGMOs’ level talk held at Wagah on December 24, 2013,” sources said.
Meanwhile, the Border Security Force (BSF) and Rangers also held a flag meeting at Chamblayal in Ramgarh sector of Samba district this morning and discussed the issue of clear the border track ahead of fencing by both the sides. The meeting last about an hour this morning and was held in a cordial atmosphere.  Sukhjit Dangar, Second-in-Command of 200 BSF led five members BSF delegation with Wing Commander Mohammad Ashraf of 12 Chenab Rangers led the Pakistani side, sources said.  Both sides agreed to cooperate with each other in cleaning the border track ahead of fencing, they added.