Indo-Pak talks

By now, the Pakistan Government must have realised the futility of internationalising Kashmir issue after it got a snub from United Nations who unequivocally asked Pakistan to go for bilateral talks to resolve the issue.
The plebiscite bogey is now dead. It has no takers in the world community. The only way out is talks. Since Kashmir is a bilateral issue between India  and Pakistan, there is no room for separatists.
The separatists have no  relevance in the State, as they do not represent the people of three provinces of the State. They are just confined to some pocket of the Valley.
Pakistan should not insist on involvement of separatists as the problem would get further complicated.
India and Pakistan has to  live like good neighbours, any mistrust or enemity between  them will do not good to people of both the countries.
Yours etc….
Sanjay Sharma