Indo-Pak ties won’t improve till terrorism ends: Farooq

Excelsior Correspondent

page1JAMMU, Feb 27: National Conference president and former Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah said today that relations between India and Pakistan can’t improve unless the menace of terrorism and infiltration were tackled. He asserted that controversial event on Afzal Guru shouldn’t have been organized in Jawahar Lal Nehru University.
Speaking to media persons on the sidelines of a programme organized by the Youth National Conference at Sher-e-Kashmir Bhawan here, Farooq said the talks were only solution to problems faced by the two nations but for the talks to succeed, the infiltration (by militants) and terrorism has to stop.
“Only then the talks (between the two countries) can be fruitful,” Farooq said, adding that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his counterpart Nawaz Sharief were good friends and trying to improve relations between the two countries. However, the menace of terrorism had to be tackled first so that dialogue between the two neighbours succeeds.
Replying to a question on whether cricket diplomacy between India and Pakistan will succeed or not, he quipped: “India will definitely win the match today but any diplomacy between the two countries can’t succeed unless this terrorism is finished”.
“We hope that the two leaders will work in that direction (building peace and friendship by stopping terrorism”, he said.
“Let the friendship go to hell… You need first to control terrorism. In terror attacks, poor people are getting killed. Tourism sector is taking a hit. If terrorism continues, the tourism sector will be badly affected and the people connected with it will face losses,” he said.
On the charge that polarisation is growing during the Modi government, he said, “It takes two to clap. If Congress strengthens itself and also the secular forces, they can control it. If they (Congress) resort to the statements only and do not unite all parties against this, then how can they stop it (polarisation).”
“It is wrong to blame BJP and RSS only, we too have faults. It is because of those faults that they get encouraged. Why don’t we address these mistakes, we should find out where we have done mistakes due to which they have got encouraged,” he said.
Asked why elections were not announced following failure of PDP and BJP to form the government after the death of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, he said “please ask this question to them. They have majority members, just go and ask them. We are demanding dissolution of the Assembly and going back to the people. If they have the courage to do that, they should but they don’t have the courage to do it.”
On recent terror attack at Pampore in Pulwama district in which five security personnel including two Army Captains, a civilian and three militants were killed, Farooq said: “if Pakistan keeps on sending militants and kill our people, how can it expect improvement in relations with India”.
Replying to another question on the ongoing controversial event on Afzal Guru held at the Jawahar Lal Nehru University in New Delhi, the National Conference chief said “the event should have been avoided”.
“It (the event) shouldn’t have been organized,” he said.
“What was the necessity to bring in Afzal Guru into the campus? Whosoever raised the issue did a wrong thing. He has discredited and brought a bad name to JNU,” he said.
He, however, said “had police not been called in, the VC could have controlled the situation… When the issue got ignited, the country was on fire.”
On Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi’s visit to JNU after the incidents, Abdullah said “Congress has to think over it. Farooq Abdullah has no role it, Farooq is not his Advisor. I cannot comment on that.”
Strongly opposing implementation of National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Jammu and Kashmir, Dr Abdullah said it would benefit only few people and deprive many others of the Government ration.
He told a questioner that the NFSA shouldn’t be implemented in the State.
Farooq said the terrorism has badly hit tourism sector in the State especially the Kashmir valley and was affecting lives of the people, who were dependent on tourism to run their livelihood.
Earlier, addressing office bearers of Youth National Conference at Sher-e-Kashmir Bhawan here, Dr Abdullah said the time has come when the youth must shoulder their responsibilities and come forward in a big way in shaping destiny of the State.
“National Conference has always provided a huge political space to youth with an avowed objective of channelizing their energies in a productive manner, so as to realize the vision of Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah in making Jammu and Kashmir a peaceful and vibrant State where opportunities of progress and to grow are available to all, irrespective of region, religion or caste”, Dr Abdullah said.
He expressed happiness over the growing enthusiasm among youth towards politics and said National Conference recognizes their capacities and capabilities and shall not shirk in bestowing them crucial responsibilities in times to come. “Our young people are becoming the frontiers of positive change and their participation in politics is just like a fresh breather in the State polity”, he added.
The National Conference president exhorted the YNC office bearers to fan out in their areas and acquaint people about the damage caused to unique social fabric of the State by the divisive politics perpetrated by myopic politicians just for their petty political interests. He hoped that the youth will become a useful instrument in forging bonds of unity and amity between various religions and regions.
“The performance of our young leaders will be the only criterion in bestowing them future responsibilities”, he said, hoping that the enthusiasm of youth and experience of elders will make a unique blend to strengthen National Conference further.
Welcoming Dr Farooq Abdullah, the provincial Youth National Conference president Ajaz Jan said a positive change is discernible across the State with youth craving for becoming part of the great movement launched by Baba-e-Quom to make Jammu and Kashmir peaceful and prosperous State.