Indo-Pakistan ties critical for regional peace: US

WASHINGTON : The US State department today said relationship between India and Pakistan is critical for advancing peace and security in South Asia.

This comes close on the heels when the two Asian countries have moved closer to resuming bilateral talks.   “We believe that India and Pakistan stand to benefit from practical cooperation and are encouraged that they may resume dialogue aimed at reducing tensions,” the department’s spokesperson Jen Psaki told a briefing here.   Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar is expected to travel to Islamabad to discuss his ‘agenda’ with the Pakistani leaders.   This will be the first high-level visit from India since relations between the two neighbours soured last year, news website dawn said.

On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had called four South Asian leaders, including Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and discussed bilateral relations with him.   “The relationship between India and Pakistan is critical to advancing peace and security in South Asia, so we would certainly welcome any resumption of talks between the two countries,” said Ms Psaki when asked to comment on these developments.   Diplomatic sources in Washington have said during his visit to India late last month, US President Barack Obama had urged Mr Modi to resume talks with Pakistan and also discussed his initiative with Mr Sharif.

Mr Obama had also telephoned the Pakistani Prime Minister before leaving for India.