Industrial enterprises

There are no two opinions about the fact that real progress of the State of Jammu and Kashmir has to be measured in terms of its industrial development. Ability of the Government and business community to explore and exploit industrial potential of the State has to grow as efforts are directed to boost the economy. Local entrepreneurship has to be provided all incentives to widen the scope of industrial development and bring more people and places within its ambit. In his recent interaction with the members of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) the Chief Minister said that trade and tourism were the two significant pillars of economy and these complemented each other in their growth.
Tourism and industry are two main pillars of the State economy and these are complementary. As far as tourism is concerned, we have often in these columns said that the potential of tourism in the State still remains inadequately exploited. Firstly, new sites of tourism need to be developed and there is no dearth of them in all the three regions. Exploring new sites also means developing these in a manner that they become real tourist attraction. It is the infrastructure part of tourism that needs to be taken care of. We should remember that tourism as an industry has extensively developed in some of the western countries like Switzerland and Russia. Modern tourism is a comprehensive affair and we in the State need to invest substantially to bring it to that level. Only training of personnel in upgraded institutions is not enough. More important is that tourism culture has to be developed among the people concerned with the industry. The Chief Minister told the delegation that he was trying to impress upon the American administration to lift the advisory on American tourists to J&K State. It will be recalled that owing to militancy in the State security of foreign visitors had run into jeopardy and the American Government issued the advisory to its nationals to avoid visits to Jammu and Kashmir. But with much improvement in the ground situation, there seems little justification for the American administration to continue with the advisory.
Tourist season is about to set in and the State is preparing to receive a large number of tourist this year. Peace and tranquility are of much importance to the increase in the number of tourists. According to reports coming in from various sources, there is comparative peace in Kashmir and this should go a long way in bringing a booming tourist season.
Encouraging local entrepreneurship is of pivotal importance to full growth of industries. Investment by mega corporate in various industries is all right if it happens since efforts are on. But encouraging local entrepreneurship is essential to help small and medium size industries grow. The Government might need to review the situation from time to time to devise more lucrative incentives for attracting local talent and effort. At the same time it is also important that other industries like handicrafts which have already made a name in the world market are given a boost. It is encouraging to know that the Government is willing to showcase J&K industrial potential in the world market and for that purpose it might have some programmes. We believe that this is the right approach to bringing the State on the industrial map of the country. It is only the beginning and there is vast scope of its development.