Ineffective SVO

The Daily Excelsior has revealed the startling facts about the ill functioning of the SVO and the supreme watchdog institution against corruption in the state, the State Vigilance Commission through its news and editorial columns. One of the agendas of the PDP-BJP alliance is the eradication of corruption in the state. The previous NC led government had also made many announcements and taken some steps for eradication of the corruption but the result is nowhere in the sight. It was during the first tenure of the Mufti led government when the state earned the shameful tag as the second most corrupt state in the country and since then the state is continuing with this tag with increase in the volume of corruption. With the style of the functioning of the SVO, it appears that the state cannot free itself from this menace for a long. The way, in which the corrupt officials are promoted, given prize postings, their enquiries remain pending for years together, FIR’s are not registered and challans  not presented, it appears that there is no organization like SVO in the state. The corrupt officials get the promotions and lucrative postings through the ill- gotten money and then to save themselves from the cases registered against them. If the concerned agency (SVO) works with dishonesty to save the offender, it automatically becomes a party to the offence. It is also the abuse of the trust of the public. It seems that the government is also not serious in this regard. If the SVO is not working honestly and efficiently, why the concerned officials were not declared as dead wood and dealt with accordingly? The Government must show political will and take sincere steps in the right direction. The two institutions i.e SVO and SVC must be overhauled and the officers responsible for shielding the corrupt bureaucrats must be declared as dead wood and deal with them accordingly so that the confidence of the people is built up in these institutions.
Yours etc,
Ekta Vihar Kunjwani