Infiltration bid foiled along LoC in Poonch

JAMMU: Army today foiled an infiltration bid along the Line of Control in Poonch district, a day after India lodged a strong protest with Pakistan over ceasefire violations.
There was suspected movement of a group of three to four militants along the LoC in Krishnagati forward area of Poonch at 0830 hours, a defence spokesperson said.
“They were spotted 150 metres inside own LOC and they were challenged”, the spokesman said.
“However, the terrorists continued to close in towards our post (in order to attack it as per Border Action Team pattern) in the area, following which they were fired upon by own alert troops,” he said.
The terrorists dispersed in the jungle following the firing which lasted for five to ten minutes, he said, adding that search operations are in progress.
“This is the second attempt at infiltration in the past six days in this sector,” he said.
On January 13, Army had foiled an infiltration bid along LoC in Krishnagati forward area in Poonch.
“During the Brigade Commander level flag meeting conducted at Poonch yesterday, the Indian Army’s concerns about this unchecked infiltration were conveyed in strong terms to the Pakistani delegation,” the spokesman said.
There have been a number of intelligence reports about increased attempts at infiltration by terrorists from across the Line of Control to carry out disruptive activities around Republic Day, he said.
The Army has placed its troops on high alert along the Line of Control and the high level of preparedness helped prevent the two infiltration attempts, he said.
“We have lodged a strong protest with Pakistan Army authorities over the ceasefire violations along LoC in Poonch at the brigadier-level flag meeting,” a senior Army officer told reporters.
The flag meeting between the two countries continued for an hour-and-a-half at Chakan-Da-Bagh forward post on the LoC.
“Pakistan authorities denied ceasefire violations from their side as usual,” the Army officer said, adding the meeting was held in a cordial and conducive atmosphere.
Indian officials are reported to have told their counterparts not to allow infiltration of militants and BAT attacks, warning that troops guarding the border will give a befitting reply in case of any violation.
Following a large number of ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops on the LoC last year, the DGMOs of the two countries had met at Wagah near Amritsar after 14 years on December 24, 2013.
There have been 196 ceasefire violations along the LoC in J&K last year, the highest in last one decade. (AGENCIES)