Infiltration on increase

Infiltration on increase
Union Home Secretary says that Pakistan based ultras are making repeated attempts to infiltrate the LoC. Though the army has been foiling most of these attempts yet according to the Home Secretary and other knowledgeable sources, well-known terrorist groups in Pakistan are desperate to send in more ultras and thereby try to disrupt peace in Kashmir. Weekly statistics of security forces show that the number of infiltration attempts has increased considerably. At the same time, the agenda of the ultras, among other subversive activities, seems to be to foment sectarian tension by torching some shrines of Sufi saints of Kashmir, an act which has the potential of driving a wedge between the moderates and the extremists in Kashmir. In totality, one finds that there is a spurt in terrorist activities and the Statement given by the COAS some days ago that there was concern about security situation, has been vindicated. This also puts a question mark on the hotly debated issue of withdrawal of special powers to Armed Forces and the DAA. It is clear that conduct of bilateral dialogue between India and Pakistan at various levels, and ongoing process of Track II diplomacy, are not going to have any impact on the infiltration bids of Pakistani ultras to destabilize peace in Kashmir. Our policy planners should not be trounced into complacency. It is an established fact that Kashmir affairs in Pakistan are entirely in the hands of her army and its intelligence establishment and that the civilian Government has no say in the matter.