Initiate criminal proceedings, cancel appointment orders ab-initio: Govt

Submission of fake documents by selected candidates

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Sept 13: Taking serious note of selected candidates resorting to submission of fake/forged documents, the Government has directed all the Administrative Secretaries, Heads of the Departments, Deputy Commissioners and Managing Directors of Boards, Public Sector Undertakings and Corporations to initiate immediate criminal proceedings under relevant provisions of law along with cancelling their appointment orders ab-initio.

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As per the laid down procedure, the selection of candidates by recruiting agencies is based on information disclosed by a candidate and documents, relating to qualification, age, reservation furnished by him/her at the time of filing of application forms, which is subject to scrutiny at the time of document verification, before finalization of the select list.
Consequent to conclusion of selection process, the recruiting agencies forward the recommendations of selected candidates to the indenting departments, for issuance of formal appointment orders.
In order to ensure that information furnished by the selected candidate during the selection process, is true and nothing has been concealed, certain conditions are recorded in the appointment orders. These conditions state that the appointees are required to furnish an undertaking to the effect that if on verification, his/her qualification/Date of Birth/Reserved Category Certificates from the concerned issuing authorities is/are found fake/forged, his/her appointment shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio and legal action, as warranted under rules, shall be initiated against him/her.
Further, the conditions read: “The salary of the appointees shall not be drawn by the concerned DDO unless satisfactory reports in respect of genuineness of qualification, Date of Birth, Category Certificates are received from the concerned issuing authorities”.
These conditions in the appointment orders are designed to ensure that any candidate selected on the basis of fake or forged documents, is removed from Government Service without any financial loss to the Government exchequer and appropriate legal proceedings against such candidates are instituted.
Notwithstanding these provisions, many cases of selected candidates having resorted to submission of fake/forged documents have been reported to the General Administration Department. In some cases, candidates have also attempted to produce fabricated verification report(s) about the genuineness of certificates from the concerned issuing authorities, which has been viewed seriously by the authorities, read a circular issued by the General Administration Department.
Accordingly, the General Administration Department has enjoined upon all Administrative Secretaries, Head of Departments, Deputy Commissioners and Managing Directors of Board, Public Sector Undertakings and Corporations to initiate immediate criminal proceedings under relevant provisions of law against such candidates who resort to filing of fake/forged documents for obtaining/ continuing in public employment along-with cancelling their appointment orders ab-initio, under an intimation to the General Administration Department and also to the concerned recruiting agency.
All the Administrative Secretaries, HoDs and others have been explicitly told to ensure strict compliance of these instructions.