inner voice

There once lived a lovely girl
With face so bright like a pearl
Her hair were like strands of love
Her innocence was such as of dove
She was the prettiest
thing one had ever seen
Her soul was so tranquil, so serene
Her cheeks were softest of all
Her eyes were deep like fall
The girl was a heavenly
angel from God’s place
That had come to
bless the human race
What life did with her was unfair
To tell her story I have dared
She’s not here anymore
Those who killed her closed
humanity’s door
That angel, she was raped
That poor thing could not be saved
Some put the blame on her beauty
Some of them showed pity
But it wasn’t her mistake
It was of those who raped
How many more ‘Nirbhayas’
have to be there?
So that people will try to
make this place fair
We have to protect our women
We have to protect them
from these demonic men
She wasn’t the first
She won’t be the last
To go through such inhuman act
We have to stop this, we have to react.

Nandita Khajuria
Delhi Public School, SMVDU


These butterflies
Of different hues
Charm our eyes
Our heart amuses
They look like flowers
Hovering over flowers
Not for any sport
They land on each
But only to suck
Their honey sweet

Surat Singh, KAS

       Left Unsaid
What I wanted to say
I could not say
What I wanted you to know
I could not tell
I want you to know
I had so much to say
The thoughts and feeling washed over me
Like a warm wave of heat
Warmth that embraced me,
washed over me
Heat that longed to embrace you
Heat that feared you
could drown in its warmth
Could you, would you know
what to do with all that love
Could you, would you survive the heat
I longed to say
What I wanted to say
And could not say
Warmth of the heat embarrasses
And washes over me
And that will have to be enough for me.
Anju Kattish
Leesburg VA (USA)

Old, thou were
Like all grand mothers
But with a difference
Thy silvery locks and curls
And facial folds
Same for decades,
Made no difference to thy person
Thou, the gardener of a ‘sprawling lawn’
Groomed, thy saplings with
Milk of Love,
Honey of Generosity and
Care of Humanism
This legacy, though untold
Shall remain in our fold
Till the dooms day
Thou an inspiration and motivation
For thy new generation
Thy blissful smiles
Enthused us to follow the goal of our lives
Holy flames consumed thy mortal frame
And Hummed an eternal tune
And your soul  mingled with the supreme
With moist eyes we bade adieu
To our cherished ‘Grand Ma’
Who had virtues all and vice none
Thus, revered always by everyone.
Durga Nagar