Inner Voice


When you were unable to walk
I held your hand and made you walk.
When you were not able to eat,
your mother gave you bite for eating.
When you were not able to run,
I lifted you on my shoulder and run.
When you were married
we taught you about your responsibilities.
When you got baby your mother taught
your wife how to nourish.
And lastly when we grew older, you took our each and every support.
Today when your responsibility becomes towards us.
You teach us everything is changed
and “responsibilities are also changed.”

Sonali Rajput (Sona Rajput)
Laxmi Puram, Bantalab


I don’t bother
What the people say about me
So I want to be glee
I don’t mind to fumble
From the ascendency of mountains
So I like playing fountains in torrential rains
I don’t mind
To sweep unsanctified soul
To regain lost sanctorum
So I abhore life of humdrum
I dare to challenge the
Tempestuous winds
Striking against oceans
So often rotate in motions
I can brave weather in sweltering heat
nor can succumb torrential rains
So little I believe in tall claims
I am a tree
Laden with overly fruits
Studded with sense of morality
So I bow before his majesty
That is me and my resolution
Not a grain of proud
or ego in my thought formation
Lord I am a speak of just before you
Path of morality assure I to persue.

Bushan Malmohi
Ajeet Colony
Gole Gujral


Sometimes I wonder
what I would say
If we had just one more day
Would I tell you the
news from home?
Ask u about where u now roam?
Would I tell u all the
things left unsaid
The guilts and regrets
still in my head
Would I want to know
that you are okay
Beg you please to
come back and stay
Would I not say all that much
And I just reach out
for one last touch
I don’t know
what I would say
But I do sure wish for
that one more day

Rimjhim Kalsotra
Mtech, Haryana


Father, Father are you there,
come and take me with you my dear,
Lets be friends again
when there is no loss of warmth
But only gain and gain
lets be friends again
Don’t count the cries and shouts
don’t remind the quarrels and doubts
Remember only the laughters shared
and forget about the pain
let’s be friends again,
Don’t regret what we never had
don’t recall what made us feel sad
Remember only the happiness shared
going down the memory lane
let’s be friend again
When luck was the biggest cheater
time became the best healer
It healed each and every wound
making heart feel happy and sound
Now that the love is rising
And hatred is on wane
Let’s be friends again

Visho Nath
Billawar Ramban