Inner Voice

Not my India

This is not my INDIA,
about which I have heard,
This is not the one ,
about which I have learnt
from the mouths of great saints & poets
songs & folklore, scriptures & books,
the golden bird nowhere to be seen,
downtrodden & dilapidated now it looks.
each day somebody’s modesty is outraged ,
with no culprit ever punished or encaged .
they say money speaks, yes! I can
see it now,
Power can buy anything! I wonder! how?
Lips sealed & hands cuffed,
evil laughs at the pity of modesty
each day threats dominate honesty or with money mouths are stuffed.
The age old glories now gradually fading away,
with my INDIA becoming fragile like hay.
This is not MY INDIA entrapped in the shackels of  selfishness,
shrouded beneath lies & corruption
entrapped betwixt evil tidings just helpless!
This is not MY INDIA, which was known for its bravery ,
the glories have turned turtle into poverty & scams,
with nothings left into the weak hands.
The old golden bird now hangs its head in shame  living in the meagre hope to revive its lost pride someday.

Purti Sethi ‘Narayana’
GCW, Parade, Jammu

Unprivileged Child

A child ,
Whose childhood has been snatched away,
Works hard day and night,
To earn a meagre pay,
His eyes full of Tears beg “help me out”!! Though he is quiet,
His heart silently shouts.
His tears go unseen,
His voice passes unheard,
he begs and pleads,
but all ignore his words.
hands which are meant to study
and play
are working now,
labouring all day.
Out his eyes look
with a dream to be free and fly ,
his hands though bruised,
but his hopes are still high.
Every unprivileged child should be rescued,
the laws relating to their rights need consideration,
To build mightier countries,
and make them stronger Nations



No more love in relations
No more respect for nature’s creation
Man is becoming self-centred
All the world is full of hatred
Cheating in exams becomes headline
And the same in relations becomes deadlines
The law of Economics
Holds true in all commands
Lesser the supply, Higher the demand
Love and honesty are just the flaws
And are top most followers of law.
Muneesha Kumari Behal
The Business School, JU

The Mulberry

Across the park I lounged
To my  delight I found
Beauteous mosiac in the sylvan color
Swinging with the pride
Such an inflinching arrogance matchless as the royals
Awesome camouflage of the fruit
Tasty delicacy in the hide
Artistic embroidery of green leaves
Paired with the rich maroon
The plentiful mulberry so enticing
I clamour for  the catch
Only if my adventure is crowned
Arms hang in the high
With rocking temptations inside
Alluring sight captures my eyes
As the grass begins to shimmer with pearls so black
Probably some bird came and sang a song
Ripe mulberry starts falling on its own
I couch underneath to hold
The mulberry lands unhurt in my hands
Bringing sweet joy like a magical wand

Rakhi Dogra
Panjtirthi, Jammu