inner voice

The Obvious Death

Death, near by and watching us
Always around making no sound,
Unwanted and hated, still there
It’s everywhere still nowhere found.
Death, having no preface and face
It’s a suspense how you arrive
Obvious for all, desired by some
Your arrival, leaves us no more alive.
Death, everyone unwillingly waits for
It can’t be cheated, can’t be defeated
You take our prayers for a better day
Tell us how you should be treated.
Death, makes us leave our loved ones
We will meet the one’s on other side
So why we fear the pain of loneliness
When you take us on your dutiful ride.
Antriksh Sehgal

What They Say

The specks of dust said
What is our fault
Our fertility is forlorn
Our mother is suffocating
A blow of wind came
He whispered with worry
Are you my well-wisher
Why do you pollute me
With poison
For temporal comforts
Said a tiny tasteless
drop of water
Listen! my mean master
I serve you all the time
I cleanse your inner outer filth
I was colourless and odourless
You coloured and odoured me
My essence and purity are gone
The green leaves said
Are we simple and good
When we are trampled in autumn
Turning upside down
we hide our faces
A few trees said
Man’s  greed is untammed
We are tongueless
We are helpless
None is here ours
The woodcutter is coming
With axe and saw
Felling us mercilessly
He goes home happily
Birds and beasts said
What can we expect from you
We are harrassed
And forced to vacate
Our home
At the cost of your houses
Prof S.A.Ganai
GDC, Ramban


We live in the world of Illusions,
Where Mind is indulged in Fake Visions,
The Truth lays Hidden,
And Salvation is forbidden,
People feel, they are free,
But Nature is more than a Tree,
They say, they have seen the world,
And All that glitters is not Gold,
The journey is very long,
The battle of Right and Wrong,
The sky is not actually bright,
It’s just the magic of light,
We live with open eyes but closed minds,
And move along with the wandering winds,
Hearts are empty, Pockets are full,
Life has become a game of push and pull,
True meanings are being lost,
Things are turning worst,
It is the reality, my friend,
Species die, but life never end…….
Ikshek Misri