inner voice

The out cry!


Don’t know I will see the dawn.
Not even know if I will see the twilight.
Bound by numerous diseases
Bound by realistic lies.
The inner voice is crying
And my physic is dying.
The soul is already with divine But this body is what not reveled
In this hest of world
I am like nun.
So isolated
From being a part
I want to depart.
I want to lay down
I want to be part of this debris.
I don’t want to remain
Just want to evacuate
Far off from the earth’s sins
To the God’s good bin.
Not worried about hell or heaven
But want to go away from this unending old age pain.
Monika sharma
APS Kaluchak


Power of truth

Truth is a great power
Lets bath in this sweet shower
All your problems will be solved
Your parents will feel proud
Let the divinity inside you flourish
Only by truth it will nourish
Lets know the power present inside us
The divinity already resides in us
Truth will lead us towards a great destiny
Truth never gives pain it makes you feel happy
Truth is goodness truth is piety
Lets be truthful and build an ideal society
Those who have knowledge of dharma
Say that truth is the highest dharma
All the holy books the vedas and puranas
consider truth a pre-requisite for an ideal life
Truth is the essence of mans character
Lets not waste our life in hypocricy
it’s bad even you feel spicy in manipulating things
For every problem every question
Truth is answer truth solution
Bharat Katoch,
Durga Nagar, Jammu


A desire to own everything I see
A hunger for everything that attracts me
An Insatiable urge to achieve
that I can achieve
A thirst for everything that I can conceive
An evil that will never set me free
Making me the person, I shouldn’t be
Greed, a deadly sin;
feeding on me within
Telling me, without it,
I am nothing.
Rahul Sharma
M.Com (DDE)
University of Jammu


Basking in mild October  sun,
Watching, a giant mount, right in front,
Rocks glimmering!
Creeks filled with melting snow glaciers,
Appears, as if someone has
lost his hair in patches,
Silence prevails unhindered,
Occasionally disburbed by
lilting voice of a class teacher
Speaking to children, children,
Deaf and dumb!
Perhaps, they pretend so……
People, slow and complacent,
Attending to their daily chores,
At snail’s pace. Or,
Perhaps keeping pace with their
huge vast surrounding,
Nothing seems to move,
Except silence,
Creeping inside out
Sometimes outside in,
I stand enveloped by hollowness,
In the centre of the universe,
As if,
A cog, in a big giant wheel,
Vast empty space around,
With the exception of the sun,
Infinitely stretched valley
Suru, ever winding,
Taking snake’s trail,
Banks de-peopled,
Farms deserted,
Villages desolated,
Emptiness Reigns!
Life in Sankoo is very calm!
Ram Krishan
GGHSS Udhampur