Inner Voice


If only I had known
it would be the last time I heard your voice,
I would have kept you up just a little bit longer.
If I had known
it would be the last time
I told you I love you,
I would have said it
hundreds of times over.
If I had known
it was the last time
I was gonna hold you in my arms,
I would have held on tighter.
If I had known,
I would have done it all better.
Kissed you harder, held you longer.
If I had known you had that gun,
I would have had one too.

Lokesh Dhar
BE 8th Sem CSE
Miet Jammu


Life is full of trump and odds
Trump is always sweet and good to taste
Odd is very difficult to digest,
But life is mixture of trump and odd,
One always wish to have trump in life,
But odd is also other face of the same coin,
Odd should be faced courageously,
One should never lay his arms before odds
One should get alert and agile to face odds
Odd teaches how to face the
challenges of life,
Odd should not be taken as a burden but opportunity,
One should try to score over odds
Scoring over odd gives
confidence and strengeth
Scoring over odd makes
one shock proof,
There is no odd which
cannot be conquered,
There is a challenge in every odd,
All these challenges makes
one strong and agile.

S. P. Gandotra
Trikuta Nagar


The day we met
I was sitting alone by myself
I didn’t like making friends
But you sat with me
The day we met
I was arguing, fighting over petty things
But u stopped me
I will never forget that smile
you had that day
It was so special
The day we met
You completely changed me
Made me into a bigger
and better person
You tought me to forgive
You were so nice
That you saw only good
within a person
The day we met
You held my hand
And walked with me
Through the path of life
But today is the day you left
And now I don’t know where to go
I wish I had thanked you
Thanked you for being my Best Friend

Apurva Suri


You are my dream,
But still out of reach!
Trying to achieve it by
Walking in the dark street !!!
I see my love, my life in you!
I see my heart, my friend in you!!
My Trust, my Lord, my God in you!
No moment is there I don’t miss you!!!
Everyday every night thinking of you!
Can’t relax until I see you!!!
You are my word, my thoughts are you!
You are my heart beat,
my breath are you!!!

Sukhjinder Singh Jasrotia