inner voice


Have been floating in the dead water
How does the alive water feel like?
Is it as alluring as a Mothers laugh.
When a child is alive before it is born,
It is floating ,
Probably, developing in the amniotic sac of water
So that it can enjoy the,
Privileges of living in a natural world,
Like,how the sun rises,
How the rain descends on,
Each of the earths particle marking everything of its own.
How the bats at night pass swiftly
How the stars shine like little diamonds at night
Which enhances the sky and gives life to the dark and lonely universe
How a baby plant personifies strength
Then the water breaks and gives out a Life ,
Cries the baby reflecting abandonment
segregation from something as Precious as itself
Feeling of helplessness
A moment of a battle which begins with the ‘cruel’ world out there
And the most challenging is the one with ones own self,
Where the water cannot hold And protect now
But only satisfy the thirst
To provide stability to continue the battle of Survival.
There is no such water
That can captivate inside it
And nurture as well
Well familiar with the Destructive nature of water
Instead now it cannot survive inside water.
Its a MIRACLE of which
We all who are breathing today have lived inside and been a part of
Before THE BATTLE began.
Sasha Banhotra


Success is not merely a question of luck
Or genius,
It mostly depends on hard work and the
ability to persist , temporary set backs ,
and adverse circumstances.
The kites fly against the wind and not
With the wind.
And a true swimmer always swims
against the flow of water not with the flow.
It is not about how hard you can hit it
Its about how hard you can get the hit,
And keep moving on.
Keep moving forward always,
Don’t give any importance,
What others thinks about you,
Do what you want to do,
Forget about the success,money or fame.
Because if you have passion about something or if you do with the hard work.
These things will come after you.
Rahul Mohan Bhat
M.B.A,  Talab Tillo, Jammu


A smile is cheer from you to me,
the cost is nothing,
it’s given for free.
They console the weary and
gladden the sad.
And can make someone
happy when they are mad.
Unlike blessings in which we pray
it’s the only thing you keep when you give it away.
Abhinandan Singh Jasrotia
Hiranagar , Kathua (J&K)


Struggling to try to put in words,
Feelings inexpressible,
That haunt in herds.
The silence echoing,
The dumb founded noise,
Mirth unwanted, melancholy by choice.
What forces me to this?
Is the reason unknown,
For, darkness has passed,
Sun, too has shone.
The brook, I’m sitting by,
Is full of joy,
Trespassing its banks,
Like a naughty boy,
But O! what melancholy,
Has got me hold,
Baffling reality,
I can’t behold.
I think of things,
That seem unreal,
Lighting of pyres,
Innocent burial,
Suffering humanity,
The inhuman trend,
The dead awaiting,
For apocalyptic end,
Here I see lamb,
So weak and frail,
How on my mind,
Peace may prevail?
Ram Krishan