Inner Voice

A Tribute to Girl victims

Among many presents God gave
one is still burning in a dark cave…
women..what we often regard her as is now treated as a slave..
Who gave birth to millions of braves today
there’s no brave for her to save..
for love and freedom she still craves….
Till when will she be victim of such blasphemy…
We ‘re waiting for a sweet harmony…
Till when she’ll be victim of such evils?
Is there no way to vanish such devils?
Several Daminis in search of hope;
still there’s no one to cope…
Several Malas will again be shooted;
when’ll the roots of criminals be
How many Daminis to sacrifice more?
Now its time to shut the door..
…Door which shows the way
for several hunters to prey..
Such sacrifices can never be
souls of women’ll again be snatched…
Raise u r voice
we’re left with no choice;
No more pain,
freedom for girls we all’ll gain….
to rapists
Killing hanging is not enough;
We’ve thought much more to do..
Run run your place is reserved in hell!!!
Your each breath’ll beg for death;
your wounds will be burned again..
You will realize the same pain…..
I hope now for nothing should a girl crave…
And souls of VICTIMS will rest peacefully in grave….

Naviljyot Kaur( Blory)


Ups and downs,
It is the name of my life.
Success, yes Success,
It is the dream of my life.
Happiness and happiness,
It is the hobby in my life.
Failures and sadness,
It is the tragedy with my life.
Romance and love,
It seems was not meant for my life.
Do or die,
Now it is the only aim in my life.

Komal Mengi
Raghunath Bazar Jammu

You will never be Old

You will never be old with a twinkle in your eye,
with the spring time in your heart as you watch the winter fly,
You will never be old while you have a smile to share,
while you wonder at mankind and find time to care,
while there is magic in your world and a special dream to hold,
while you can laugh at life you will never be old…….
You will never be old with a loving family to rear,
with your past as glimpse and a future to bear,
while there’s spark in your words and a position to hold,
while you still can heal the wounds you will never be old……..
You will never be old with epics to be taught,
with a freshness in your mind that cannot be bought,
while a revolution you can bring that can never be sold,
while a tomorrow you can foresee you will never be old…………


Let’s Humanise

Humanity suffers yet another plight
as ethics and morals take flight.
Ego, vanity and pride
take humanness for a stride.
While green-eyed monsters prevail,
far behind, content and reliance trail.
Human frailties rule the roost
shun these, give humanism a boost.
Avoid lure of shallow success
In the long run, it draws distress.
‘Practice’ before you ‘preach’
Other’s trust, do not breach.
Surge forth, follow an example
‘Grow and let grow’- space is ample.
Adopt the shibboleth-‘live and let live’
and cherish the pleasures it shall give.
Do not envy other’s gain
For, spite nurtures immense pain
As modest strides lead to goliath leap
its fruits shall humanity reap!!

Dr. Alpana Vohra