inner voice

One last time!


A man on bed, in throes of death
Dying to survive, gasping one last breath
Pleading to the masters, oh pray!
I ask my merciful, but one last day.
Wasn’t alone I realize, walking through life
But with a beautiful dedicated
and devoted wife.
Warm heart, unconditional love..
She makes my life divine
Never thanked her..Let me kiss
her one last time!!
So engrossed in work,
Quest quelled every stride
My children are well fed,
Though childhood cried.
Awaits an incomplete sandcastle,
An unheard nursery rhyme
Oh lord! Let me play with
them one last time!!
My parents acquainted me
to this world,
Gave me wings to fly
How can I depart without
even saying a goodbye.
For sweat, blood, sacrifices of theirs
I was the reason prime
Let me in gratitude embrace
them for one last time!!
There at the nook my best friend stands
Misty eyes, tremors and shaking hands.
He’s been there through thick and thin,
a partner in every crime.
Let me share the last joke and laugh aloud one last time..
And then a beaming white
light and a hand shook me
“Good morning!!” greeted my lovely wife
With a smile I joined hands to oblige
“Thank u lord for this last chance”
For I shall live!!..Live like
it’s for one last time.
Vasundhra Sharma


we the progressive indian men

Intelligent she is, we don’t care,
We want a bride that is tall,
beautiful and fair.
Her character would be
judged by the way she look,
We want someone that knows how to cook.
We will find one by any means,
She is not allowed to wear any jeans.
It’s her duty to keep the house clean and neat,
She is bound to touch her husband’s feet.
A girl like that would be ten on ten,
And before I forget, she shouldn’t
talk to other men.
She has to perform in bed
every night for her husband’s sake,
And if she brings dowry,
that would be cherry on the cake.
She should also be shy and coy,
And she is bound to give birth
only to a baby boy.
Her life should revolve only around
her better-half,
I don’t know why but stereotypes
in our society make me laugh.
Tanish Ganjoo

All You Are To Me

Thank you, Mom…
for the love, strength, and care
for in this world that is quite rare
for being my guardian and my guide
on those sad days when I cried
I’m proud of you because…
you never gave up hope when the times were hard
you kept going forward through it all,
yard by yard
you have never let others change
who you are
you have always shown me that
you’re my favorite star
you move through the unknown with strength
no matter how far the length
I would have never been here today….
without your motherly advice
without your ultimate sacrifice
without the support I needed
I never would have succeeded
without your unbounded love
I could never stay above
I just wanted you to know….
I will always stand by your side
I will give back and be your guide
I will fight for you in the hard times
even if all I have are a few dimes
I will never lose my faith in you
my love for you is always true
Irfan Jalal Bhat
Assistant Lecturer
Deptt. Of Computer Application & IT
Govt. P.G College, Rajouri.