inner voice

Save the girl child

A girl is a doll,
The princess of the house.
Loved so much,
So pretty and cute.
Like a little fairy,
Solves all problems,
Never demands,
So affectionate,
Till the very end.
Why then are we so cruel to her,
And kill her in the womb?
Think about it,
And take an oath,
To give her the right
To survive.
Kazi Issaq
Bogdang Leh


I lie on the bed full of fear and fright
Dreadful dream frights me in dark night
Amass of memory hath vanished from light
Darkness spreads quickly in my sight
Calm ocean of light relieves gloom of night,
When dawn proceeds with the river flowing in light
Wonder, merry at the joyous splendor of bright light,
Hostile gloom of dusk washed from sight
Birds flight from thatch of house to reach the sky,
Sweet voice echoed from the mountain high.
Boughs of my fancy gave
vent to pleasant thought,
Amidst the bounties and bliss
of nature I sought
Mine path seems adorned
with fragrance of red roses,
Sweet smell of scent stretches from houses,
I bound to acquire bliss of soul,
In the joyous aura of nature’s soul
Ab. Majeed


Warning! This may be boring
But that’s the point, it seems !
As you’ll quickly fall asleep and
unfold the pleasures of the dreams.
Who doesn’t love dreams?
It’s the only world of magic
Where joy is at extremes
And the life is not so tragic
For me, ‘Laziness’should be
Titled ‘The Mother of the dreams’
For the father would be sleeping
Under the comfort of sunbeams
Once I had read somewhere
What Nehruji had said
“Laziness is our greatest enemy”
But it went over my head
After some days I read
What Gandhiji had said
“We should respect our enemy”
By then, my brain was dead!
I was terribly confused
Now what should I do?
Whom to follow?
Chachu or Bapu?
Well, I’m going to sleep…..
While my dreams continue!
I let the decision to You…
Gatik Dass