Inner Voice


I am alive, I am living,
But I am tired, I need some rest,
I don’t want to die with
holes in my chest.
The lovely talks, funny jokes,
hopeful ideas,
Have now arrived to end,
after crossing millions of bends.
My friends, my love,
my enemies,
all are gone to the
Supreme devil’s stone.
Now its my time to leave,
The death I never believed.
Its coming to take me there,
and making me free
of the endless fear.
I am fed up of this social fake lifes,
these are the hidden killing knifes.
I am confused,
I can’t guess what my destiny say,
But the truth is that
it is the life real face.

Akshit Singh
K.V. Bantalab,


A drop of tear
Enormously large
Profoundly deep
Ever expanding
Engulfing the whole universe
Hiding within it
The agony
That the eye underwent
To bring it to life……………
It has its own existence now
Its unceasing contour
Can drown the whole world………..

Ram Krishan
GGHSS Udhampur

Life Is A Challenge 

Life is a challenge
it is hard for us all.
Everyday we still rise
And learn to stand tall.
Obstacles are there to deter us.
But, we must fight
our way through it.
Maintain those positive thoughts
Have a strong mind
and never quit.

Ravinder Bandral
Baminhal Pogal Paristan