Inner Voice

Will I ever live my dreams…

Traffic came to a halt as signal turned red again,
I heard a small kid knocking at the window pane.
I looked up suddenly and met his eye,
My face turned frowzy – not sure why?
Begging for a 10 rupee note in exchange of a flag,
Scores of other such items he carried in his bag.
Something about the set of his face suggested a despair,
Maybe he wanted to say something
but he couldn’t dare.
Maybe his leaders had covertly kept an eye on him,
Thus flagging him down from expressing his whim.
He just pretended that everything is fine,
Was it because otherwise, he would’ve nothing to dine?
I looked into his eyes, which couldn’t hide it all,
Gently I started reading through his eyeball.
The desire to be rescued from poverty and pain,
The outlook over his dreams to start all again.
The delicate and subtle hands were badly bruised,
The plight of his innocence had left me confused.
The tears went unseen and the voice unheard,
Aspirations of flying high like a free bird.
Three, two, one and the signal turned green,
He flashed a gentle smile and passed by the scene.
Throughout that day, my mind was
confronted with the thought,
His silence was loud, apparently speaking a lot.
Who will provide them all the necessities?
And help them with their basic amenities!!
Who will find them a decent vocation?
Food, shelter, clothing and education!!
Vishal Bhan
(Bohri, Jammu)


It’s been so long that,
We haven’t seen your face,
Feel sorry about that,
Being busy in this worldly race…..
Eyes get wet when your absence is felt,
To initiate events without you weren’t dealt,
Every morn is new but the loss is still told,
It feels as if your name has been sold….
Those were times people flocked around you,
Heat skips beat to judge if it was true,
The times are now gone along with you,
Within we know “You were You”……
Recall those days when
You marked your words,
No one will ask when we are gone afterwards,
It feels so sad that
We couldn’t stay for long,
You left us behind to sing
this melancholy song…
From within we know you are with us,
In glee and gloom with hands over us,
We feel so blessed being part of you,
Will remember the words said by you,,,
It’s been so long that,
We haven’t seen your face…..
Kulbhushan Gupta


Cast away the caste ego to harmonize the society,
To narrow down all the fissures to energize the society.
The concept of caste and creed makes the society to bleeed,
Much more have we lost, let none now pulverize society.
Not by birth but by deeds should one be rated high or low,
Let us adhere to this golden rule to silverize our society.
Everyone is His creation, be he from caste, ‘A’ or ‘B’,
A&B are our own creations, He wants a unified society
Caste-based hatred has given us heaps of harm every where,
Let all of us be of one human caste, to humanize the society.
Caste fanatics want division under the frenzy of caste vision,
Let us adopt a broad vision and not stigmatize our society.
Bright or dark, short or tall, weak or strong is everywhere.
Then why not be we all together to rationalize our society.
I makes an appeal to one and all of Indian soil,
Let us remove all caste based seeds to make our land fertile,
Let all of us be like brethren as if from one family and caste,
Only then shall we be proud of to have stream-lined our society.
Let our society be neat and clean with praise from all directions,
Only then shall we be free to eulogize our society
As and when we do away with the slur of our caste-ego;
Only then should we feel to have dignified our society.
Er. J.R. Aryan


The river trundles its wandering course,
Creating mayhem near the shore.
River is elegantly shored by the trees,
Calm ocean prompts me to decend.
Life with woes follows a wandering course,
In the world which is unkind to me.
Gone are the memories of past,
When my moments seemed filled with joy.
Seeking bless in an unethical world is rare,
Can not believe in artificial sweeteners.
Ab. Majeed Abid
Soti, Bhalessa Doda