inner voice


One without conscience
Hiding behind a mask
And pretend to be
Numb and void
A lone walk
Life reflects back
In the end
Worldly pleasures
opens door
And guilt serves
Shujai Shaminotra

She was the Rainbow

She is weird, She’s frank;
she is sweet, she’s crank.
At the end,he settles for what she ain’t.
I’m not even a whisper in your thoughts.
Yet!! You are the screaming
in me caught.
My soul is mourning;it
feels my heart dying.
The echo of sadness;
with each tear makes me crying.
I’m tired,just tired of trying.
My heart whispers “Just Try”.
Her soul whispered,”
Even a wounded
butterfly can fly”.
She was the rainbow,
but he was colour blind.
Sona Khajuria


You open your eyes and you find
Yourself in the midst of an ocean
Do not panic, there is a hope of
Landing upon a shore
Even if you are a coast away,
do never be depressed
You will find a message of
hope in the battle
Even if you witness the most
terrific thunderstorms
And look forward for the clear sky
Your hope is not in vain
There will be cloudless sky and cries of joy
If you are thirsty and lost in
an isolated desert
There is a hope of finding an oasis
Fallen people who consider
their lives as catacombs
Also have footprints of
hope scampering alongwith them
The catalogue of your worst memories
Also light up an elongated rill of hope
Reet Kour
Dalhousie HP


One feels proud on becoming a father,
As it certifies his male character
feeling of responsibility
on having a she child
Makes him sensitive and disciplined.
Socially gets more connected,
With right approach and well-linked.
Grows bold enough to donate,
And much open to accumulate
But a father of the He child,
Grows careless and viled;
Devoid of rightful sight
Not bothered for wrong or right
Gets delinked, cut off and sided,
Abandoned and avoided.
She remains ever caring,
And he is often tearing.
Please decide who is better?
To be her father or his father
G L Nehru Girdher
Ambag Muthi, Jammu