Inner Voice

Let’s Humanise

Humanity suffers yet another plight
as ethics and morals take flight.
Ego, vanity and pride
take humanness for a stride.
While green-eyed monsters prevail,
far behind, content and reliance trail.
Human frailties rule the roost
shun these, give humanism a boost.
Avoid lure of shallow success
In the long run, it draws distress.
‘Practice’ before you ‘preach’
Other’s trust, do not breach.
Surge forth, follow an example
‘Grow and let grow’- space is ample.
Adopt the shibboleth-‘live and let live’
and cherish the pleasures it shall give.
Do not envy other’s gain
For, spite nurtures immense pain
As modest strides lead to goliath leap
its fruits shall humanity reap!!

Dr. Alpana Vohra

Love for olive green

My heart is aching
For a man that’s far away
And praying that my loving thoughts
Find my solider safe and well
Each night before I go to bed
I look up to the skies
And the moon brings me comfort
As my tears brim in my eyes
Despite the miles between us
We still share the stars and sun
So I gaze upon them often
It helps me know we are still one
So as I lie down on my pillow
I close my eyes and think of you
Not only in my waking moments
But you are in all my dreams too
My gorgeous handsome solider
I love you with all my heart
our love is so much stronger
Than any force I’ve ever known
In the short time we’ve been together
It’s amazing how much it’s grown
So until we are reunited
Please stay safe and strong
My heart is your forever
With you, where it belongs
I think about you often
My gorgeous handsome man
I miss u a lot.

Tisha Singh Bandral
(Research scholar)
University of Jammu

“Life little instructions”

Set your own rules in life,
But be sure you follow them.
Make your own list of values,
But be sure that you abide by them
Set your own standards,
But be sure that you live upto them
And you will surely have a fulfilling LIFE.

Komal Mengi
Ragunath Bazar, Jammu

“Hopeless hopes”

There are timeless times
When we have hopeless hopes
Overcoming fearless fears
With smiless smiles
Striding towards aimless aims
With effortless efforts
Having sightless sights
With thoughtless thoughts
Fighting hard for dreamless dreams
With every breathless breath
There is careless care forlovelss love
With an inner voiceless voice.

Er. Manveer Singh
Trikuta Nagar


There’s a monster in the sea,
Beware! Beware!
He doesn’t like the marine animals
He doesn’t care!
Maybe he doesn’t like the coral reefs,
Oh! He’s leaving the aquatic animals
in grief!
Without these creatures no beauty
of the sea we find,
But this thought is out of his mind!
The monster has a brain
But I think it should be trained,
Slaughtering animals is his game;
Do you want to know its name?
He’s no other but you and I
Who’s making the sea animals cry,
We throw waste in the sea
And then just laugh- ha! Ha! Hi! hi!
You can again become a real man,
By not throwing anything in the sea whether it’s a flower or a cold drink can….

-Taapti Jamwal (St Mary’s Presentation
Convent School, Jammu)