inner voice


Blouse, Sari, dusty slippers she wore,
And placed a brick on a round-coiled ‘Kundli,’
Opened her arms,two bricks each time bore,
Till ten bricks atop the Kundli
settled peacefully.
Placing each time two bricks till ten
on her head;
Mason ready, Labourers mix
cement with sand,
Her tender child playing there
on the sand bed,
Morn till night she works as a single hand.
For full one hour break was allowed to her,
When she eats frugal food and feeds her young one,
The sun was hot, very hot
but unmindful to her,
She carried ten bricks each time till
her work was done
The child clung her and she walked for home,
For miles away, on foot she had to roam.
-P.N. Peer

Night’s Knights

Marching as an orderly squadron,
are the knights of the Night.
“thousands of them you see at
a glance.”
Ere Sir Arthur,
there Sir Lancelot,
treading in their silent trot.
These gallant, old, chivalrous knights,
guarding the Night’s castles,
whisper untold stories of the past.
Lend them as ear and grasp,
the secrets of the gone-by times,
for it’s not everyone who finds rhyme
in their mimes.
These wise, old, courageous knights,
with their silvery armors
shining dazzling bright,
are the mighty saviors,
saving the world from gloom’s tentacles,
hidden in them are
a million miracles
Shreya Sharma


My sweat child I am your mummy
I am proud I had such a shining child
You imbibed wonderful qualities
Your friends and teachers would
wonder over you
Your wonderful performances in
intelligence over cleverness
The main quality which you had was
to remain always cheerful in distress
You were more innocent and
simple by nature
If any body tortured you-you
tolerated silently
By possessing good qualities,
you proved yourself
as a diamond in the society
You served your mother
whole days and nights
You were helpful to needy
and poor persons
You used to meet your friends
and teachers with a smile on face
Also, you proved yourself efficient                       in different games
No one could compete you in cricket game
You were a brilliant student of every school
You had handed over your
own Government service to your sister
You had no greed of money and saved your one officer from distress
During the illness of your mummy you did not sleep for so many nights
You were a great soldier who served the country but Ah, you are no more
in this world
You sweet voices and talks echo in your mummy’s ears
I could not tolerate your
separation from us/me
I pray to God that He may bless you to take birth in my house again
You are the hero of the present time.
Kamla Manhas
Mother of Mintoo