inner voice

SUNDAY, september 1, 2013

Bless us
We live, we die
Swing in the emotions.
We smile in the worst
And cry in the best.
What we want,
We never say it.
What we say,
Thats not reality.
Now a times ,
Our friends are enemies,
Ready to appreciate,
And at the right time , stab
The dagger.
This is what the life,
Where life is death
While death is life.
We are inhuman,
Still known as “human beings”.
We are cold-blooded, stone-hearted,
Narrow-minded and rigid ,
Still known as “civilized”.
Provide us , God
With strength to help others,
With heart to love others,
With warmth to feel for others.
Forgive us, God
For the sins we’ve committed,
So that
We can grow and prosper,
And make this world
A better place,
A safe place,
A place where the river of harmony flows.
Bless us, God
Bless us.

Shifali Sharma
GCW, Parade

A school is a
temple of learning.
A school is a place,
where the teachers are caring
and the friends are sharing.
A school is a place,
where we learn something.
A school is a place,
where we gain knowledge.

Gurtez Singh Soodan
Class-6th A, Christ School Poonch

  Essence of life
What’s the real
Essence of life?
None to understand
Life, so puzzled
Away from peace
and love,
its dying
Man, just calculating days
and minutes
Blaming God and  previous Karmas
Mumbling Mantras
And also,
Practicing cheating “tantras”
Wasting time,
Wasting life,
The most precious gift of God
What’s the real
Essence of life?
None  to undertand

Kiran Kanchan
Machhlian, Domana

In our joy, we think we hear a whisper.
At first it is too soft.   Then only half heard.
We listen carefully as it gathers strength.
We hear a sweetness.
The word is peace.
It is loud now.
Louder than the explosion of bombs.
We tremble at the sound.
We are thrilled by its presence.
It is what we have hungered for.
Not just the absence of war but true peace.
A harmony of spirit and comfort of courtesies.
Security for our beloveds and their beloveds.
We, angels and mortals, believers and nonbelievers,
Look heavenward and speak the word aloud.
Peace.  We look at each other, then into ourselves,
And we say without shyness or apology or hesitation:
Peace, my srother.
Peace, my sister.
Peace, my soul.

Lokesh Dhar
 Dachhan Kishtwar