inner voice


What can a smile do?
Can only show one’s stretched lips,
Or can show only four white teeth,
Along with a pair of chubby red cheeks.
But do you know what else a smile can do.
It can make other people elated and unstressed too.
It can help people to get rid of anxiety,
Can make peace relationship between me and you.
So, every time, you see a sad person,
A beautiful smile, you need to give to the sorry one,
Within seconds, you see the smile travelling back,
and then you will smile too….
peace begins with a smile,
and a smile can even travel a mile .
Brinda saini
7th, presentation convent

The everlasting soul…

When I was just a kid
Didn’t care about success, loss or any bid
Just had fun and positivity all around
And to any limit wasn’t bound…
When started with school,
Swam in happiness’s pool
Everything seemed to be relished
And life was fully nourished…
When stepped into teen
Negativity and pressure could be seen
Yup, a few things to cherish
‘cuz some things in life started to flourish…
When initiated a job
Talks developed within the mob
Met new peers
Some frauds, some sheers…
Followed by happy marriage
With your mate in your life’s carriage
And then again see yourself right from zero
Of whom yoy be the ultimate hero…
And when comes the stage where you start becoming ancient
You see yourself being more impatient
Finally leaving your soul
To complete yet another goal…
Of course in some other world
Where to negativity and fear
you are blindfold….
Riya Aga



Free from tribulations and trials
Free from lies and liars
Free from want and desire
Freedom is what I admire
Free from vanity
And insanity
I’m full of austerity
Free from opprobrium
I’m in equilibrium
There’s nothing ersatz
Contemplation I’ll restart
I’m full of dreams
Want to flow like streams
I’m no unctuous
Always punctilious
Free from gasconade
Is what I gesticulate….
Aditi Choudhary
Class 12 APS Damana


All ears I am
Listening your ss
Bhairabi whispers….
Basking in melatonin – rich
Hypnotic noon….
Dozing in
Melancholic twilight….
Enjoying your
Generosity where
The have – nots have
A bigger share
Than the haves….
Burning yourself
Giving us
Sujit De,