Inner Voice


The sun had risen, the flowers had bloom;
The sky was clear, yet there was gloom;
The face had a smile, yet there was fear;
The girl was in pain, she couldnt bear;
Amidst of all, she was alone;
She couldnot cry as she had grown;
She sat aside with her tea,
She followed but didnot agree;
She heard with deaf ears,
She stood up to overcome her fears;
She feared the day she will be so cold,
She feared the day she will
no more be bold;
She feared the day she wont laugh aloud,
She feared the day she wont be so proud;
She feared the day she wont cry bitterly,
She feared the day she
wont distinguish clearly;
She feared the day she wont
awake with hope,
She feared the day she sees no scope;
She feared the day she indulges in hatred,
She feared the day she wont be sacred;
She feared the day of losing god,
She feared being the one
amongst lost squad;
She feared the day she loses her belief,
She feared the day she seeks no relief;
Atlast in this big beautiful life,
She feared not to do her part of sacrifice.

CA Surbhi Arora


Because “Dogri” Language,
is most sweet,
It is very simple,
But meaning is deep
“Dogri” language is submissive,
And it is most attractive,
The language is so cute, polite
And it is most impressive
Our lovely language,
We should respect,
It can widely spread,
I really expect.
The baby gets “Dogri”,
When mother feeds,
He/She learns it,
When he reads.
The honour to “Dogri”,
The “Dogras” proved,
In the Education Curriculum,
The Government has approved.
It infuses bravery,
In the hours of battle,
It also creates “Love”,
And easily settle.
More and more languages,
We can know,
But to our mother language,
We must bow.
If the parents show favour,
The children will learn,
If education authorities take interest,
The situation can turn.
I am “Dogra”,
And speak “Dogri,”
Many others like it,
And appreciate “Dogri.”
Thanks for “Radio” medium
Due to which “Dogri” nourish,
Govt., agencies if favour,
Can help it to flourish.
We should not sacrifice (Dogri),
At the altar of English,
At any cost, our mother language,
We can never tarnish
The “Dogra’s” faith on “Devtas”,
Can bring them success,
For their “Devotion and Dedication”,
The “God will Bless.”

Vidya Rattan Sharma
Nagrota, Gujroo