Inner Voice

A Puppet’s Dream

Long ago in the dark ages
Some puppets lived in cages
Alive in that body of mould
But their every movement
Controlled by the strings
Their master called time hold…
Some were aware of the reality
While others in fake trance
Whenever fingers were moved
All they could do is act and dance
At midnight after the stage
Thrown back in that cage….
One among those puppets
The aware one escaped into a dream
Free from puppet master and his strings
Rejoiced that abstract true free will
Now his heart was free to love and smile
To move on his own the way he wanted
Strings were pulled to open his eyes
Only to make him realize
His dream was also created by his master
With the string called string of lies…

Shiva Soule


One is always confident in
doing his own thing
Confidence is related to one’s interest
You can do what you’re good at
Doing something that does not interest you
Is not meant for you
Lacking interest and
doing something that
Does not match your mood
and personality
Is not you

Shujai Shaminotra


India is my country
And my motherland
I have a lot of affection
For its soil and land
I am always ready to
Defend it at any price
I always pray to God
Protect Indians from crime and fraud
So that our country
Remains in every body’s heart

Sanjay Dhar
Laxmi Nagar,


Injustice it would be
Penned it should be
For the one whom I admire
My feelings these being mere
Indeed a red letter day t’ was
A person I met thence
Brilliant, brainy, artistic lady
For counselling always ready
Such a humble unpretentious soul
Plays diversifying roles….
Outspoken, level -headed and logical
Down to earth, prudent and docile
A sweet psychologist and pedagogue
Ne’er leaves a remark so vague
Believer of positive energies
Each time has varying strategies
For pupils she’s a friend
Some, from her, not dread
Grinning around the corridor
With positive vibes from outdoor
Much elated I feel
She, with work when deal….
Workaholic lion hearted and strong
Sanguine genuine caring a lot.
Miss Psychologist her I call
In net goes her basketball………….

Aditi Choudhary
Miranda house,  Delhi