inner voice


In this materialistic world, there is enough pain
No one is seen happy, whatever one may attain
One who has lost his father in never ending war
One who is not going to see his son anymore
One who is war widow and whose
husband is no more
They feel inexplicable pain however one deplore
No one can heal their suffering;
no one can heal their pain
One who cannot see his martyr relative back again
They are the victim of endless war
Inflicted by pain which no one can restore
Neverdying spirit of soldiers keep them inspired
It’s for this quality,they are always admired
No bullet can touch their determination,
how hard it may hit
This indomitable spirit remains unshaken even a bit
Their martyrdom deserves highest
honour and respect
That’s is the ultimate way to respond and react
May this could lessen the pain of the martyr’s family
And it’s the righteous way every native should act.
Anu Gupta

The Valiant

I heard …
some militants attacked .
Seeing the headlines , I stepped back.
Our soldiers martyred fighting…
Who will calm the souls igniting?
Mourn of ménage is way too loud
Keeping up the brave front ,
Nation first …the valiant vowed.
‘O’ brave men….
Your absence makes our heart grow fonder and stronger .
Your sacrifice was a duty or a necessity to mankind? sometimes I wonder!
Fighting an uphill battle
Wearing the armours of metal
You taught us the meaning of real sacrifice,
Leaving to heaven amidst roaring war cries.
Fortunate enough are the fields
Where your blood shed .
Those who live for motherland
are never dead.
‘O’ brave men …
Sacrifices from years have taught us
you are son of the fields ,
Where the valiant leads.
Rishita Manhas

Global threat

Globally the whole world
Is in the hands of a Demon
Called corona virus
What actually it doing wrong
Its killing many innocent human beings
In lakhs
Making hell on earth
Its a global threat
To human world
And entire humanity
Lets all pray to God
For its early decay
So that we can take breath
Away from fear of death
And life with new hope
And freshness
Makes its appearance
Kiran Kanchan




Kids cuddled around me,
Just to be there as it is…
Didn’t want anything from me,
Just to be in my arms & watch me through…
Not much demands, not enough tantrums,
Just some little moments to share there…
Taking those beautiful flights,
Just thanking me on small things letting hold them tight…
Climbing upside down the walls landing in my lap,
Just making me feel they are my part…
Got what they literally needed,
Just a few of them thatz our time…
Let them enjoy their precious days,
Just as they are finding entirely new rays…
So I cuddled around them,
Just to be there as it is…
Shivani Koul Bhatt