Inner Voice


At the banks of Varanasi
Asked a boat ferry
O river ! you flow so happy ?
Ah! Go where I’m destined to be…….
You flow day and night
So tirelessly yet so calmly
No time for joy, no time to merry ?
You don’t see my love as I flow
Well ! that the real tragedy….
They call you ” poor solvent”
And still you feel happy?
Don’t you get angry, don’t you feel pain?
Tell’em me water is pure
It absorbs their sins
It hides ever stain….
Hey! I don’t mean sarcasm
But ” water water every where
Not a single drop to drink”?
Ask coleridge to have faith
I got plenty of nectar to drink…
Said the boat ferry
They say man is superior
He ferries on you?
Tell’em Lord is superior
He made me and he made you….
Excuse me ! can I make a query ?
Sure ! said the boat ferry
Man is so ignorant
What forms his vanity ?
The answer lies in question itself.
Said the boat ferry….
By the way ! whats the harm
With a little bit of vanity ?
Where there is vanity,
There is no humanity!
Ah ! you call humans fool
And yet talk of humanity ?
That’s because I hate humans !
But I love humanity…….


Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life, can anyone tell ?
What purpose are we born, with so hue and cry ?
And are caged life long in the life’s cell;
And grow and grow and grow old and die.
It is like air uncertainly seated in a bubble ?
Is pain and trouble the life’s real essence ?
Philosophers search its purpose in circuitous puzzle ;
Or is it a mysterious joke to exist and depart hence ?
Some with spiritual strokes paint its sense;
‘illusion that’s life, real follows after one dies;
Miracle or illusion ! No need to go tense ;
Or life-deeds mark one’s place in hell or paradise.
Some purpose or no purpose concerns not me ;
Life has that purpose which we decide to see.

268 Tangewali Gali
Kachi Chowni Jammu Tawi

Nature in service of Mankind

Few years ago I was strolling on nature’s trail
Amazed by her charm I glanced at unique details
Men were resting under shade of tree
Blithely savoring nature and so carefree
Cool breeze blew for hearts as fagged as mine
Mango orchards blossom there and air’s like wine
Birds were flying and heading towards
Today I stand there but the time has elapsed
Appalled to see that nature’s discoveries are collapsed
Ruthlessly ruined by humans; the beauty of nature so aesthetic
Landscapes are barren and surroundings so pathetic
For man’s comforts nature has always endure
In spite of expressing gratitude man has made it so insecure
Inefficient use of vehicles by man causes pollution
Nature always finds solutions for its alleviation
Now I realize that nature is so deep
But man’s greediness macpes it to weep
One way we reach a path
When nature turns to show its wrath
So my dear companions do not be blind
Its time to realize that nature bestows in service of mankind

Heenam Bhagat


Imagination haunts
As a passing thought vanishes
The moment to perish is here
It’s the fading I can’t bear
The cosmic canopy with its expanse
I leap to venture as if in trance
Alas ! I can’t take off
For in the sand of mind
The unsettled grains of memory
still grind
But the zeal is still on
And deep down my roots so strong
Break all the myths of the earth
I think its time
I must learn to fly
The earth speaks sweet and low
Darling, victory to thee.

Rakhi Dogra