Our GrandMaa
We had a wonderful grandmother,
One who never really grew old;
Her smile was made of sunshine,
And her heart was solid gold;
Her eyes were as bright as shining stars,
And in her cheeks fair roses you saw.
We had a wonderful grandmother,
And that’ s the way it will always be.
Her laughter was a source of joy,
her works were warm and wise.
There was
a kindness and compassion
to be found in her embrace,
She’s a blessing, she’s a gift,
She’s a treasure like no other,
She’s someone that is truly wonderful.
She’s is truly invaluable,
Indispensable and unforgettable.
It’s always sad but comforting
to silently recall your smile
and dear familiar face so loved by one and all !!
For the world may keep turning
and change from day to day,
but precious memories of you will never fade away.
And here’s hope
that this message will somehow find its way to you wherever you are
It’s to let you know that
You left us the most precious memories
that will live forever in our hearts.
*We will never forget your teachings and your words of encouragement*
Radhika Gandotra