Inner Voice

A little plant !!

It was the month of May
After a long tiring day
Sat in the park
Waiting for the sky to get dark
Looking steadily at the plant grown
Thought – At first the seeds were sown
Then taken a lot of care
Not an easy job to rear
Nourishing them requires patience
Not easy to obtain perfect essence
Day by day gardener gets weak
Can be observed fron wrinkles on his cheeks
Now the plant gets fully grown into a tree
Others think that the gardener is finally free
Still he isn’t devoid of tension
Not in front of everyone he mentions
Now the gardener is worried about flowers
At proper time , fertilizers and manure he pours
Now regarding fruits he is stressed
If they aren’t timely , he’s almost depressed
Gardener feels now no more he can nourish
On its own tree can flourish
Still at it , from his window he peeps
Now he wants a peaceful sleep
In the end , Gardener desires just his tree’s shadow
He has nothing to do with the meadow
All of a sudden , I got up from a nap
Undoubtedly it showed me life’s true snap !!

Shiv Shakti Sunaina
Miran Sahib , Jammu


Happiness snatched

My happiness is snatched,
My son has gone,
The night black,
And sad is dawn,
The people come and praise,
His humane doulings,
They want to console me,
And strengthen my feelings.
God was kind to him,
And loved him much,
Satish also believed him,
His strong faith was such.
Birth and death,
Are the only mediators,
Our selfishness and attraction,
Are the creators.
God is creator
And can destroy the world,
only with his permission,
We are enjoying.
Death is powerful
And will come to all
King, sadhu, faquir,
Strong, short or tall.
Every body is slave,
Before his decision,
No excuse is accepted,
For the death’s evasion.
I will pass the time,
With my wet eyes,
Surrounded by kith and kins,
With their painful cries
The sorrows and grief
Are the result of our “Karmas”,
The peace and joy
Are the blessings of “Dharma”
This world is selfish
The sovereign is ‘God’
He is power supreme
With his majestic rod.

Vidya Rattan Sharma
Nagrota Gujroo

“Exams Are Close”

Now life seems to be fast forward mode,
Students having on their shoulders a heavy load.
Parents always want more and more ,
Which is what we have to score.
And if , due to some issues , not able to do so ,
Then , get ready , it’s time for a lecture show.
Life now is just a bore ,
Everyone just want good score ! good score ! good score !

Mannat Sabharwal
Pacca Danga, Jammu