Ode to Teachers
Teachers whether formal or informal
are inevitable ingredient of everyone’s life.
With their magical tools-dedication,
applauding and patience,
they ignite every pupil’s mind.
Under their wings we learn to fly.
They discipline us for the successful
future life
making our vision broader, clear and
Our teachers are
-the light house
illuminating every dark mind,
-the anvil
on which we get shaped and refined,
-a light house
instilling in us what’s wrong and what’s
right and
-the fragrance
which always stays with us throughout our life.
Our every action, behavior and
performance is the reflection of their
teachings and style.
Even now when in quietude
old tapes of my teachers get rewound
before my eyes.
My head bows to all those
who have stature of this kind.
I had been fortunate enough to get
passionate and knowledgeable guides
beaming with affection and passion
to enlighten the wavering and unformed
Without teachers life would have been
rudderless and grappling to gain heights.
Asha Mahajan
We are teachers
Yes, we are the teachers
God’s best creation among all creatures,
We are oftenly known as the builder’s of nation
The strength behind every success and innovation,
We burn ourselves to light others
With learners we are like their fathers and mothers,
We’re the heart and soul of every classroom
During pandemic, we are available online on whatsapp and zoom,
For queries or any doubt clarifications
We are 24*7 available for such situations,
We Stand proudly in front of every class
With knowledge and wisdom en masse,
From election duty to any other survey
Alongside teaching, we do multitasking everyday,
So this is for all the dedicated and humble teachers here
Thank you all for your compassionate support and care.
Tarandeep Singh
SinghPura, Miran Sahib
To the Cuckoo
Are you here a new comer
Always seen in summer
Watching you is best
And fur on your chest
Not watching you is vile
Sometimes when we see you, you go more than a mile
People think you are rare
And that is severe
And no one handled for thee a gear
And they think that you are seen in a vale
You are like an ant in comparison of a whale
I am happy your music and thee are not on sale
I think who is beautiful, female or male?
Don’t change your disguise
Let you be seen to other guys
And let’s talk about your size
Ammmm, twice a mice
You hide
Neat and tide
At the tree side
I love thee
When I first see
You are blacky
Not tacky
For you my love
No one can compare you except a dove
Mahin Mahajan
Jodhamal Public School